About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Monday, April 12, 2021

MONDAY #4492

 One Of My Very Own






If I had a dollar for every time my wife has hit a curb I'd have like 27 dollars which isn't a lot of money but are a lot of times to hit a curb.



We all need to laugh more.

Remember, it's good for you even if you fake it.


I peek at my wife like this all the time and she smiles every single time.


It's only too silly if you've lost your inner child.




[verification needed]


I like to think of this as a visual joke and picture my wife participating.








When my wife finishes my Buffalo Wild Wings while I'm in the bathroom.

And the ones left on surrounding tables...and a few barely gnawed in the trash.



I have vowed to teach Pull My Finger to as many children as possible. I'm up to 642 with my grandson slated next.


I suppose.


That look on her face tells me that she knows her young cousin with the new camera will jack off to this picture.



SIRI, how do I always mess it up with women?

Um, this is ALEXA.



550,000 Dead Americans - More than any of those less exceptional countries.


As early as kindergarten I deduced that if I were in the middle of the highest level it would take me a long time to climb down and line up when recess was over. I was always last in line.


I bet there will be millions of Utahans driving across state lines to buy their devices.

BTW, studies have proven that religious affiliation has no bearing on whether or not you watch porn. I consider it the national pastime and Porn Hub a national treasure.


Capitalism Run Amok


Planned Obsolescence has been replaced by forbidding maintenance on a product you buy. And remember the phone glass that was designed to shatter with the slightest impact? Corporations have no soul.

And don't get me started on the lack of taxes they pay.


NOTE: The "she" in the above was the animal control officer.


"Tactile military code."

Brilliant and true.


Only in America

And they DID NOT outlaw hot air balloons they just changed some of the rules.

988 - Write that down.



And this Winslow Homer painting was found so destressing that some women swooned.

He was forced to add a possible rescue ship on the horizon.

I was once hired to depict a 1925 school bus on the front of a modern school. The funding source wanted all white children (being historically correct) but I balked. The school was now half black.

I forged a compromise where the children would be in shadow so they would be painted with the exact same color face.

But hundreds of black parents marched to the superintendent's office because there weren't any black children. The funding source took it off the wall.

The black parents could see no black children. Can you?

FYI: I only rough in the faces then refine them once the panels are installed.


I have completely rearranged my studio. More shelving mostly. 

And now all of my brushes are in one spot.


Speaking of penis size...

Hafthor Bjornsson ("The Mountain") with his wife


And he not only thought it up he proved it mathematically.


Those legs look like those of a child.




The sooner you realize you can calm your wife down by simply giving her good food the easier marriage gets.



He was born on Dec. 3, 1987. Can we assume that is the only bill with that number? And if so he was either extraordinarily lucky or he's lying.


Remember the deep gravel pits in the breakdown lane? I just found out how they get the trucks out.


How the hell do you get a knife that sharp?


It was stated it took 15 years of training to get that perfect rhythm.

He could have become a neurosurgeon in that amount of time.


Père Lachaise Cemetery, Paris - Léon Claude Vénézia

Did you notice the other faces carved into the wall?



Gotthard Panorama Express, Switzerland

But that magnificent train is empty! What a waste.


Numbers of dolphins drifted towards the shore of the Red Sea as a result of the wind speed. Coast guards, the ministry of environments, some citizens participated in the rescue. Saudi Arabia, Umluj City, North of Red Sea.



He was only pardoned a couple of years ago for being thrown in jail for being gay. 


If you look closely you can see the mesh that is mounted to the wall.

Let's hope they used a fiber that won't rot.



One of four intact human nervous systems that have been preserved. This was dissected by 2 medical students in 1925, taking them over 1,500 hours to remove...

And then this dude just comes along and pokes it with a stick?!


Emerald Tree Boa teeth

Once it gets in there it isn't getting out.


When a physicist gets bored...





List of the room's paint colors left by previous owner.









Find Four Differences


Burgervan said...

A10 The Canary islands were named after dogs (Canaris). The birds were named after the islands. As for there being any Canaries either wild or captive on the islands, I don't Fuckin' know! Hahaha

B1 The US only has the highest death toll. The UK (where I'm from) has the highest death rate in the world per capita. Our government are even worse than the Trump administration.

B4 Apple's newest tablets and phones are impossible for even an electronics expert to repair. FUCK APPLE and FUCK all these companies that even dabble in such practices.

B6 After Louis Braille perfected his system a Bumpy ride on a 'Boneshaker' told him to FUCK OFF and called him a CUNT as well! Hahahaaa

C1 It says '12th of March' to me!

C10 A staggering intellect! "The imitation game" is a fantastic film and I highly recommend it. What our government did to Alan Turing was a LOT worse than throwing him in jail but I won't spoil the film in case You haven't seen it!

On the subject of how stupid the masses are, either choosing to be or just being exposed through the proliferation of the internet, I fear that the 'Cognitive dissonance' label is giving such masses a lot more credit than they deserve. Ignorant dissonance with extreme proliferation best describes the state of a ridiculously high percentage of people that opine on the web. I include myself in that same category because I also find it hard to deal with the truth. AND I've had a few beers! :)

Burgervan said...

Who gave Elon Musk the privilege of using Tesla's name for his own gains? I would urge any companies to use the same name just to piss on his bonfire and tie him up in legal wranglings via contributions from fans of Tesla's donations. He's polluting the night sky with his trail of SHIT and offering high speed internet at only twice the price. What a way to promote your business. At this rate, Elon Musk will be offering us 48k games with a load time of only 7 minutes. Dial-up internet in Bytes per second.

Anonymous said...

Puzzle - only have 3, not 4 differences: GSS/GAS, red & yellow gas pump tops switched, ONE WAY/ONE DAY sign.

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