One Of My Very Own
Climate change - we need to snip it in the butt.
It looks good but...

As a son of the South, I know what a tomato is supposed to taste like. If you don't have homegrown tomatoes - and Duke's Mayonnaise - you might as well put that bread away.
You will never learn how to do anything meaningful without lots and lots of mistakes. I'm an artist - I know.
Backstory damnit! We demand backstory.
At the Morton Arboretum in Illinois.
Note human for scale.
The same people who think that masks, vaccines, even social distancing are an infringement of their rights are okay with that. Go fucking figure. Further, they would shit in their pants if Biden mandated the same thing.
The surface of this iron meteorite became molten as it entered Earth's atmosphere.
I would stare at that all afternoon.
How many times have you heard a conservative lament about the government taking all of our guns...And. It. Never. Happened.
What kind of learning curve is that?
No, the other one...

"Because that's the way we've always done it."
That's the crux of the homophobes' reasoning. Their grandfathers hated queers. Their fathers hated queers. And, by God, I hate them too.
I can't think of one single reason that homosexuals should be treated any differently than any other American. Not one.
If they make you "uncomfortable" that's you're failing, not their's.

Carrie Fisher asks women, man talks, shut the fuck up I wasn't talking to you.
My friend, Jack, attended a conference on health in which everyone was given a name tag of a disease and a booklet explaining that disease. Then they explained that disease to other attendees. His was Chlamydia.
Rocky Mountain oysters - the original sack lunch.

One of the first funny images on the internet was a woman with a fish's eyes lining up with her eyes similar to that. I looked for a long time without finding it.
Days later: So I went looking for it again. I found this...
Which I thought wonderful despite the murderous beast depicted.
Then I found something very similar to what I was looking for.
And finally, I found one of the first images I ever stole from the internet.
You're welcome.
^^B2^^That took me much too long to understand.
Labs gotta Lab...
His buddy has seen this shit before.
If you are injured on an alien planet ask for a veterinarian, not a doctor. Their doctors know only the species-specific care of the natives. Their vets have a broad spectrum of knowledge to make sense of your unusual anatomy.
The "superior race", indeed.
The Law Of Inverse Shoeing - the more likely a person requires structurally stable footwear, the more likely they will be in flip-flops.

I would like to meet that guy and ask him what he took and does he have any more left.

It seems that every time I try to do anything new with technology it ends up being much harder than it was explained to me.
I came across another stack of old photographs and needed them scanned onto a memory stick to transfer to my computer and from my computer to share with you fine folks. So, I went to a copy shop and they said I could copy them myself for 50¢ each or they would do them for $1 each. So I asked for a tutorial and discovered that it took over a minute per photo. That equated to two hours of my time so I paid to have them do it.
Mistake #1 was that they came back PDF. Now guess what format my blog host will not accept. That's right PDF. So I had to take a screenshot of each and every image.
Mistake #2 was that almost all the photos had been placed on the copier crooked so the screenshots were very awkward.
Now let's continue...
I was a full-time school teacher and painted murals every chance I got - scheduling out-of-town jobs on my frequent holidays. But when there was a lull in the mural business I liked to make toy boxes.
I made many toy boxes out of pallet wood. I liked this one so much I made a coffee table out of it for my sunporch.
I salvaged the free wood a little differently than most people. I plugged my saw into a 12vdc to 110vac converter in my truck and cut all the boards on-site.
Here's an assortment of my pallet wood boxes.
I liked to make each one of them a little different so that each customer got a one of a kind. And I sold a shit load of them.
Of course, being a painter I painted most of them.
The hardware on that box came from several old trunks that had been left on the dirt floor in a garage long enough to rot out. I stacked them up and burned them then sifted through the ashes for the hardware. I still have many of them.
I also liked to vary the shape.
I usually put the kid's name somewhere on the box.
These are all children's books but I remembered this box when designing my grandson's box.
I filled that box with every novel and short story I have ever written and delivered it to my daughter's house for my grandson to read when he gets older.
I had forgotten that the original had my installation "I Said Left, Harold" depicted on the front of an art magazine.
I once displayed my wares at a pre-Christmas expo at the fairgrounds and sold every box. Do you know what that told me?
That I wasn't charging enough money. I immediately doubled my prices.
I like the hand with the frozen water bottles, subtle that......
I need the image number or I have no idea to what you are referencing.
In your public service announcement (no number) there is a frozen hand on the shelf below the bottles.
Those toy boxes are incredible and will be passed on to future generations.
There wasn't one. It was in the section near the end.
Did by chance did the section near the end have a title?
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