One Of My Very Own
I once got a role in a porno.
I was the spouse at work.
*viewer contribution
*And that one prick said I wasn't near clever enough...HA!
*I am assuming that is a joke.
This guy's toast was burned even though he had bought his mother a toaster and he needed an explanation...
Well, that was unexpected...
I haven't a clue.

That's actually not a bad idea.
The mishap transcends ethnicity.
Remember this?
Watch very carefully.
Would someone like to try explaining that to me?
Maybe a haunted house? That would explain the camera.
Willy Wonka was the original Hunger Games.
At least it was a quick death.
Do you remember me asking you to invent a country from scratch? Well, let's revisit that.

I'm thinking various dots on the top or bottom or both could multiply each number by a factor of ten.
This from a nurse: "It gets worse than that. The same unvaccinated people scream at us for not giving them the same treatments Trump got until they die."
Only an idiot would refuse life-saving treatment. There are 75 million idiots in this country, officially as of 2021.
Well, those dead unvaccinated people got covid from someone just as stupid as they. At this point it's not suicide - it's also murder.
This is a craftsman in every sense of the word...
A beehive replaces the statue's head...
[verification needed]
This keyed switch is being installed in a new school so kids can't turn lights on and off.
Different channels showing different advertisements.
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Does anybody know why cops touch cars when they approach?
There were two theories in the comments: to get rid of static electricity and to put fingerprints on the vehicle to identify it if things go south.
That is the perfect segue to the next section.
Arugula is a superfood because it's delicious, good for your bones, and reminds me of an old-fashioned car horn.
If I'm not mistaken this is illegal and for just cause.
Never in the history of bumper stickers has anyone anywhere read one and changed their minds. But that doesn't seem to matter.
Is there an OSHA for livestock?
When The Traffic Jam Is Actually A Parked Car
That happens much more often than I would have thought possible. Who do you blame?
Russian man sneaking out police van.
Your license should be immediately suspended if you get run over by your own car.
"God, give me a sign..."
It could have been worse.

I painted my first large-scale mural in 1976. It was partially paid for by an NEA grant that was voted on by Gregory Peck.
It depicts old people and young people, men and women, and black people and white people all walking forward together.
Each of those people lived in that town. I photographed them as they walked across the street on the way to the post office. When the white man on the extreme right saw that I placed him next to a black woman he threatened to sue me. I went back at night and added several inches of fat to his belly.
But wait, there's more...
Directly around the corner of the building, I painted the entire city block. Moving from left to right it depicts the youngest citizen (photographed in the delivery room days before) through the life stages to end up with the oldest citizen photographed in a retirement home.
Before beginning, I went to a trusted paint store and asked them for any and all advice they could give me. After me describing what I had to do they suggested I buy the best cut brushes money could buy. A cut brush is used to get a crisp edge to the shapes painted. After 45 years I still have a dozen or so of those brushes.
What makes them so good is their "exploded tip" that has each fiber split into three or four strands right at the end - like split ends in women's hair.
They also strongly urged me to buy two 2-gallon plastic buckets. I have used them for 45 years also.
But the best tip they gave me concerned these hooks to attach a bucket to the ladder. You simply can't paint murals without these hooks.
After 30 years the town called me back to refurbish that first mural. This time I stipulated that I be provided with a motorized lift and with it, my crew and I finished in a weekend what originally took months.
Puzzle time: I'm going to guess it's 4:00 p.m.
60 - 8 = 52. 52 / 4 = 13
13 hours past midnight equal 1:00 pm. 1 + 3 = 4
Different channels showing different advertisements.
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C2 - Can't help but notice that the guy with the Fluoride bumper sticker is smoking a cigarette - wonder if he knows about the poisons in those things?
B3: dots would only complicate this system. It's the most simplified symbol system I've ever seen. There are only nine root symbols. Then each symbol is easily increased by a factor of 10 by simply moving the tag to the upper left, lower right or lower left, in that order, for a tens, 100s, 1000s magnitude.
Interesting though, although not needed to represent any number greater than zero, I saw no symbol to represent zero. I suppose there's no real need to represent something that doesn't exist.
C5: did you notice the pile of shit on the bumper?
B13: new light switch for school phase two - remove and ban all paper clips from every school, as educators realize their students are smart enough to bend wire.
Gee. I always thought it was the "top" that is supposed to do the flogging.
B9: True, apparently. At the de Young Museum in San Franscisco
C2-Although fluoride is used industrially in a fluorine compound, the manufacture of ceramics, pesticides, aerosol propellants, refrigerants, glassware, and Teflon cookware, it is a generally unwanted byproduct of aluminium, fertilizer, and iron ore manufacture.Oct 22, 2013 › pmc
C2, Dear Dr., I was told that fluoride occurred naturally in well water and was the reason country children had fewer cavities than city dwellers.
I'm told that was an "old school" trick that was more prevalent 50 years ago. Most cops don't do that today but, as y I u can see, some still do. It's mainly for two reasons - yes, to put fingerprints on the trunk but also to make sure the trunk is closed.
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