About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Sunday, September 12, 2021

SUNDAY #4645

 One Of My Very Own











Google some of the shit coming out of that man's mouth.


Read these names out loud:

Phil McCracken, Eileen Dover, Wayne Kerr

Now listen to a mayor read those and many other bogus names.




 I took Dallas and 8 1/2 against TB Thursday night and won my first bet of the year. It was a hell of a game.


Am I just being an old fogey when I say that (real) female newscasters shouldn't show so much cleavage? What would be your reaction if your male newscaster turned around and showed you his butt cleavage?

I just think it's in bad taste to sit there and discuss the death of hundreds of people with your boobs hanging out and expect people to take you seriously.


Hell, that could have taken off the back of his scalp.

Reminds me of the movie Final Destination


Lesbian sex is so complicated.


"I'll take gifs that end too soon, for $500, Alex."


That looks like me building toy boxes with reclaimed wood. Seriously.


What must that horse be thinking?


101 old great grandfather fooling around with his 97-year-old wife.



I have been putting a lot of thought into it and I just don't think being an adult is going to work for me.



Naarden, the Netherlands


That man was getting paid by the hour.



A female European Honey Buzzard was fitted with a satellite tracking system in Finland recently and was of particular interest to locals because it spent the most recent austral summer around the town of Reitz in South Africa.

"She left Reitz to start heading north on 20 April and on the 2nd of June, she finally reached Finland where she will probably spend the boreal summer before probably returning again next season for a visit in South Africa. 

The image shows the data received from the tracker which plots out the route that she took to head north... so, in just 42 days, she covered more than 10,000 km (6,213 miles) at an average of more than 230 km (143 miles) every single day! 

What is amazing is how she took a straight line north except for when she had to fly over water.

Apparently, she turned right at the source of the Nile and followed it. It is still fascinating that after that deviation she returned to the same longitudinal line she started on and continued until she reached her destination."


Rochester, MI


Use the force...


The neighbors dropped by today...




Kindergarten and bars have something in common - you pee your pants you go home.



One of my oldest jokes is about a guy who came home with a trophy from a big dick contest and his wife reminded him that she told him not to ever do that again and the guy answered "I only pulled out enough to win."


Does anybody want to try and explain that to me?


I bet kids squeal every time they pass that.


Guy finds a sword hidden in a wall, at an abandoned school, in the UK

It’s not rare or particularly old. Looks to be an inexpensive tourist piece from Toledo, Sp. Though it is fun to find stuff inside walls.

Somebody else said it was a sword used in a movie.


A 400-year-old ASS gargoyle pointing straight to Spain. 

Apparently is very amusing for Spanish tourists. 

The city itself is more than 800 years old, but as archeological remains since the iron age and not far away you can see remains and paintings from the stone age. 


I taught my students how to do that.



Notice anything...odd?

It is missing its tail.



It's funny how drinking 8 glasses of water a day seems impossible but 7 beers and 5 shots in two hours goes down like a fat kid on a seesaw.




At least they are doing something.



So, what's your point?




Parents of young children need our thanks for protecting them from their fear.






Why don't we just do what these guys did?

73.45% of Danes are fully vaccinated and covid is no longer classified as a public hazard. All covid restrictions lifted.

A large portion of the world pity Americans.


CNN’s Erin Burnett Calls South Dakota Governor Noem a Hypocrite for Opposing COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate: Her State Has Vaccine Mandates for Rubella, Mumps, Tetanus, Meningitis, Varicella



The crowd even booed that guy when he told them to get vaccinated. 










That little nose thing.



A town already had a mural but it was in bad shape. They wanted me to paint over it. As is the habit of all muralists I insisted they get permission from the original muralists before I would destroy it. They did.

I designed a complete city street scene that stretched for a block.

One of the janitors at my school modeled for this figure.

I had him reading a USAToday.

And look who I put on the front page.

This is the other janitor at my school.

This lady was a teacher at my school. She's the one I overheard saying to a large black boy, "Marcus, do you want to see Miss Brown's dark side?" I used that line a couple of times myself.

I even got my dog in it.

I tried to use the existing structures as often as possible.

This is a member of my crew. I taught him K-5th grade. He's now an artist in New York City. 

He is also a trained classical guitarist.

There were details like this everywhere...

Did you notice how the brick color varies from building to building?

At the very end, I painted a little house and put my mother on the porch swing.

I included on my trademark credit list.

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