One Of My Very Own
That's Dr. Merkel to you.
That was my call also.
A commenter asked us to imagine if the murdered man was white and the three murderers were black. But we all know the trial would have lasted about 30 minutes.
Considering Queen Elizabeth’s age, that God Save The Queen tune must really work.
Facts We Make No Guarantee Will Impact Your Life In Any Meaningful Way
The Scary Moment A Plane Stalls Just As Skydivers Are About To Jump
I was terrified that the plane was going to loop back around and hit them.
By now you ought to know how I feel about dogs.
More pictures here:
If you live anywhere near Casey - like in Urbana - then you need to take your son to see those things.
That takes 'playing with your food' to a whole new level.
There is a huge problem with standardized tests when it comes to math words problem. No matter how good students are at math if they can't read very well then they fail that portion of the math section.
*That is precisely when I go to bed.
Behold the horse coaster
I had no idea that these even existed. It was stated that the contraption reduces errors in training.
Why weren't their people to double-check her findings? When I was working on nuclear missiles I couldn't turn a screw without someone double-checking my work.
Another amazing talk.
We were born to die. How you use the time in between is what's important.
I live in South Carolina. If I buy four bags of ice I have approximately 3/4 of a cup of ice when I get home.
A man that is very easy to dislike.
The notion that a mating pair of animals could restart a population is laughable. Ignoring the incest problem it still wouldn't work. Otherwise, we could take a mating pair of any endangered species and bring back the population. But sure, God could have pulled some magic but then the whole exercise was mere theater.
*I understand British humor is a little different than American humor but from all indications from when I lived there, German humor is nonexistent.
Think of all those well-meaning Americans who want to save the oil industry that is on the verge of being extinct.
Republicans all.
I bet cavemen laughed at things just like this. In my mind's eye, I can see a big hairy brute shaking it at his mate who giggles like a schoolgirl.
Fox News attacks Mr. Rogers
They have a problem with him telling small children that they are special just the way they are. Seriously.
She looks just like she caught the pharaoh lying.
*So very, very silly. But times are tough.
When climate change fucks up our whole economy nobody can say they weren't warned.
That would be my wife.
Why do kids always want to grow up to be astronauts or doctors or racing drivers or football players, but never quiz show hosts? They literally get paid for asking questions. Surely there are some transferable skills there.
See anything odd about these postcards?
The clouds are all almost identical.
This guy photographs tunnels and such.
Epic pedestrian bridges
It's amazing what you can do when you totally ignore human rights and the environment. Think China.
*Very clever observation.
I really like looking at these...
He should have read the sign.
Talk about your gifs ending too soon...jeez.
Fine, I'll just do it myself.
B7: When I was stationed in Germany, a local told me this joke. "Why do the French plant so many trees? We Germans like to march in the shade."
Dear Wrek, The joke going around Germany when I was there concerned the ticket window guy at the train station who told a guy that he had to make a connection with a French train and they were always late. When the guy complained the German said, "Don't blame us. We got them running on time twice but you Americans came over and gave them back."
B27- Venus and Serena
Puzzle: nuptials
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