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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Saturday, December 18, 2021


  One Of My Very Own


EMAIL: ralh.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com




From time to time Americans are asked to sacrifice for the good of the country. Here is what our fathers and grandfathers were asked to do and they did it.

Oh, some didn't want to go and they spent their time in federal prison but even they understood they had let everyone else down.

Nowadays you hear of conversations like this:

In 2020 we learned that all death is bearable and that human life is worthless. 

Half the country is not willing to make the slightest inconvenience to save the lives of their countrymen. And now I'm getting very, very worried.

"A South African study suggests Omicron is causing more infections in people who have recovered from an earlier bout with the virus, one sign that the new variant is able to escape at least some of the immune system’s defenses. This does not bode well for vaccine-induced immunity."

If not this variant then the next one or the next one or the next one is going to mutate into a form we can't control and then we are all fucked. And we know that the more people who get covid the more chances covid has to mutate. But people. Just. Don't. Care.

Yeah, but think of a tiger mutating that could fly, or shoot lasers out its eyes, or be impervious to bullets.

I truly believe that we are in for some deep shit.

Bunker John was right the whole time.

I think it's time for the gloves to come off. Here's an example of harsh measures I could tolerate.


"Essential oils!!!"

"20ccs of Bullshiterol.®"

"I need a Leviticus branding iron."

But it may be out of our hands now. Read this if you dare.

Any movie can be a Christmas movie if you eat 37 sugar cookies while watching.



I bet that little fucker does that every chance it gets.


If an owl didn't see him he hid well.


They put a cone on its stuffed toy.


It looks very thin at the neck, doesn't it?



War used to be fought on and under the land, and on the sea then they moved it to the sky and under the sea, and with the V2 they moved it above the sky.


Examples of Japan Censorship


A bed design we can all get behind.



Reminds me of the time I was offered hundreds of manikins but I had no place to store them. Pity that.


There’s a quack in the ice


Four-wheel drive magic

Ingenio y diversion en la granja

The old man and his machine.

The last spiral-shaped gear moves so fast it looks like a glitch

Can somebody, please, explain that to me like I'm 5?


Making a giant incense

The T-shirt is a nice touch.


Maybe a metaphor of young adults expecting their parents to support them?


Our favorite dog was named Oreo, also.


Thank you for calling our automated helpline. To save time, please answer these 8 questions about your account that our live agent will then re-ask you if I ever eventually connect you to them.



Wait for it...

Wait for it...

Wait for it...

Wait for it...

Wait for it...


Should we tell him?



What exactly are those things in the bag?



How every action movie would be if a guy fights multiple villains and they don't attack him in an orderly queue.



Is everybody in that town fat?


She looks like she's doing just fine to me.


I don't give a shit about that. I give a shit about you trying to enact laws to force me to do it.


I will never forget that clip for as long as Iive.


And you mean to tell me that with every human being on the planet having a camera in their pocket NOT ONE OF THEM FILMED THAT?!?!


We may be at war with this guy soon so let's make fun of him some more.

But, boy, can he sing...


No sport has cooler players than hockey - or so I'm told.


A girly man and his sunburn

I'll bet money his wife begged him to put on sunscreen.


“Esta maricada se me desconchifló”

Someone in Colombia was streaming during riots back in 2019 and forgot about the filters.


For this recipe gently massage the bird-like you’re thinking of ending things but want to stay friends.



"Need tools for amputation"

 This is one of the iconic images of the Rana Plaza factory collapse on 24 April 2013.

How extraordinarily powerful.




Who wants to feel in control of this shitshow?


I am pro-gun, but I am also for extreme vetting of gun owners.


The Greatest Nation on Earth.


We could lose the way we govern and there isn't a thing we can do...except vote. But you know what's happening to that.


Dear Joe Biden, Take the gloves off and stop being Mr. Nice guy. Kick some ass and get things done.


People who say, "I paid my own way through college with a part-time job" are out of sync with contemporary reality.




I love the way the camel doesn't kick the guy - it sweeps his legs out from under him.







Anonymous said...

In regard to D10.

Any time government gets involved with anything the cost of what ever it is spirals out of control.
Government should loan money to college students but should not charge interest.


Anonymous said...

D7 Supreme Court justices are not appointed by one person. They must pass review by and be confirmed by another branch of the govt. While the previous prez had his flaws, you can't lay this one completely at his feet. And on a related note, do you think he came up with the nominees completely on his own? Of course not, he was 'advised' by others.

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