About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Tuesday, December 14, 2021


One Of My Very Own


EMAIL: ralh.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com


Everyone from the local fireman all the way up to the governor got on TV and asked us (you and me) to pray to god for them...the same god that sent the fucking tornado to start with. Please, someone, explain this to me. Is it just mass hysteria?



Don't believe everything you read in public toilets. Martha is not up for a good time. What an awkward phone call that was.



*I can't even make conversation anymore. Seriously.


The entire planet has teamed up to spend TRILLIONS of dollars to fight the worst global crisis since WWII and there are STILL Americans who think it is THEIR government who is fucking with them. Where do you do research and find evidence that supports that?




The GOP: Where facts don't matter because their opinions are the facts.

*I would like to remind you that for most of my life I voted GOP and I didn't leave the party - the party left me.


The "Good old days".







I have refused to paint murals unless they included black people.


"Because we've always done it that way" has prolonged more evil than any other factor.



This is extremely informative. 



Beautiful story. I want to believe it's true.


30% of the world's coal production is used by Santa to punish your shity children.





I knew a woman intimately who could pinch the shit out of me with her toes...HER TOES!!


In many - if not most - places on earth you could get shot for that.

*Not that the kid didn't deserve it.


Boy steals the ball in public view.

Something tells me that is Ireland. It just looks like something an Irish kid would do.


How would you feel about Nazis marching in your neighborhood?

Each one of those people has convinced themselves that they are superior to other people else due to an accident of birth. Think about that.


Wax on, wax off.


If narcism were a photograph...

Trump has a statue of his face on Mount Rushmore - in his office.


Cosplay Repairman

"Knife" Throwing

Street Vendor

Do any of you know what you would do with such a thing?


Crackhead Honesty


How come flowers' reproductive parts literally smell like roses, jasmine, and lavender but our reproductive parts smell like day-old milk and sunbaked shrimp?





Opalized fossils


I worked a long time to come up with a clever tagline for that. I tried to tie in swine, ham, pig, sow, bacon, etc and the best I could do was "A swine time was had by all."


All hail Mother Nature. 

That shit can completely wipe out a farmer's whole crop.



I'm pretty sure there's already a name for that?


A guy made his friend frozen in Carbonite. You won't believe how much work that required...



I've been giving this way too much thought.

The question is: What is the most common color viewed by people.

Most people would say green because of all the plants. But then again there is a whole blue sky sitting up that all day every day. Or it could be brown because of all the dirt and dead things. But all this time I forgot about...black. Half the time everything is black or shades of gray which I will call black. And it could be argued that just by closing your eyes all you see is black.


Plumbing solutions


The brown dog...


Where there's a will there's a relative.



He coped with that adeptly.


And yet it ended it right where he wanted it.



The reaction of the spectators.


That is a helluva finish.


Restarting a plane in flight

*This may have trouble loading. Sorry.


Steam tractor

150 Case is the largest steam traction engine ever produced. Built originally in 1905, zero of them ever lived on until this was recreated in 2018. At 35 tons and with a top speed of 5.49mph, it's seen here pulling 44 JD bottoms.





"Come in a little behind."




Yeah, tattoos make girls so unattractive.




Anonymous said...

Puzzle time: Miranda rights


There is a British company which makes £51,000 per MINUTE from selling vaccine. They donate hugely to our corrupt MP's. We are meant to believe that our government is giving neutral and disinterested advice in mandating the third vaccine. Suspicion of government is a huge factor in my disbelief in government advice. You usually are keen to point out such vested interests; why not now? Mike

Ralph Henry said...

Dear Mike,
What does your doctor advise? Are do you think he/she has been duped also?


He has no choice. I have 3 doctors as relations and they all think it would have been far more low key if not handled POLITICALLY. I don't want MP's in charge of health. I have had the vaccine but I'm more than uneasy about the corruption-MP's backhanders and the like determine policy.

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