About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Wednesday, December 22, 2021


 One Of My Very Own


EMAIL: ralh.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com


I would like to welcome all my new German viewers. I would really like to know how you learned of Folio Olio. Danke.




Let’s make a calendar where the models look worse as the year goes on so I feel like I’m progressing in my fitness goals.



By far the most dangerous profession. 

Heroes all.


I had to look it up:

Why not just: "Why did you answer that way?"


My Pillow Guy's latest TV ads are like "Was $98.99 now 58¢ for not one but three dozen of my famous pillows and we will throw in a bed. But if you act today we will double the offer. That's right - a shitload of pillows and two beds for the price of one armor-piercing AR15 shell."


Problem-solving at its finest.


There are some evil motherfuckers out there, you know that?


I have a new suggestion:

We extend public education from 1-12 to 1-13. That final year will be more or less for proving you are college material. Then fully fund any successful student in any S.T.E.M. degree program.


Remember this hilarity?

🎶Oh it never returned, no it never returned and its fate is still unknown...it's the shoe that never returned🎶




Seriously. Do they? I would have to say about 50% do not.


This is from my friends on the Right:


"This tastes like a serious, gourmet cast list."



And a good time was had by all.


And they never lose sight of the ball. Amazing.


Sound on...and loud!



How did he do that? Because they have seen it all.


I am 75 years old. I could have been a dog over ten times by now.



I found a site that asked people to 

"Share your view".

View for the last 2 hours… food poisoning in Mexico.

*I thought I was going to die on my last trip to Mexico and that's why it was my last.


You gotta love stone.


🎶Oh, she never returned, no, she never returned and her fate is still unknown...🎶


The muting of sound is a cool part of the snow.


Midday sun at the Arctic Circle

When I was in Alaska it got dark for one hour every night.


Humans have a thing about sunsets...

The photographer stated he used no tricks or filters. Do you believe him?


Humans have a thing for views with a vista.


^^B 7-8^^

Edinburgh, Scotland

Founded in 1135, they have manhole covers way older than my country.

I watched the wonderful movie An Inspector Calls. The film was set in 1912 and it looked like the street scenes were filmed on modern streets without modification.


Said to be extremely salty...

I'll take his word for it.


The highest thing I've ever jumped off of was one of these on Lake Murray.

After I jumped I remember inhaling and inhaling and inhaling and I looked down and I wasn't even near the water.


McDonald’s just offered me a coupon book to promote the McRib on my blog. No thanks,, I'm not THAT cheap. Not like the McDonald’s™️ McRib™️ sandwich. So tangy. So delicious. A little slab of heaven for a mere $2.99 is now available for a limited time only.



The Husky knows...


Missed by this much...



Can you do that with any two plants?


I saw the movie!


Tri-surface oct-lat hex-prism macrame frame

I'm not usually a stickler when it comes to flaws in art but this one is a Lulu.

I don't think it would bother me so much except the others are so pristine.


Sorry, Sparky, but socks aren't your problem.



Yes, that does exactly what you thought it does. Maybe it's to retrieve sterile sperm samples. If so, it looks a little over-engineered to me.


The future of phones from 1953

So, Mr. Sullivan read Dick Tracy. Big deal.


It has surface features similar to Europa.


I helped a guy build two large walls of wine racks. They wanted them free standing so they wouldn't belong to the building. I talked them out of it for the reason above.

We had 1x12s that we needed to notch so a 1x10 could be inserted. My friend thought I could do it with a saber saw. It introduced him to a dado blade for the table saw.

Normally a dado looks like this. You just add or subtract blacks to the width you desire.

But I talked him into this marvel of engineering.

When it's wobbling at full speed it looks scary as hell but it works perfectly. You more or less just dial up the width you want.

We screwed up one section and I put it in my studio storage.


🎶Cows just want to have fu-un... 🎶


Although if you ate that you 100% aren't tripping...good on toast though...or so I'm told.


Ladies and gentlemen, the most extraordinary animal to have ever existed.



Do you think states will outlaw them?







And that is EXACTLY how religion works.




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