About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Saturday, February 19, 2022


 One Of My Very Own


EMAIL: ralh.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com



Everyone has seen this picture by now...

But few have seen what it looked like prior to the Russian attack.

Those are the tiny people whose lives are at risk from warmongering Russian assholes.




High altitude flight in the 1930s showed the necessity for full pressure suits. This is the Wiley Post high altitude suit from 1935. Very much a proto-spacesuit.


Anything you can do to broaden your horizons - reading, yes, but also traveling to places unlike where you live, talking to strangers, watching foreign films, listening to quality music, learning more about art, and asking your wife for her opinion.

It was stated that that is a ball of tape. I don't actually understand how you get the tape to do that but it made me uncomfortable nonetheless.


I posted those sayings as a way of thanking all my viewers for tolerating my periodic rantings.

If true then so does your son's athletic mouthpiece, your baby's pacifier, and your hanky.

LATER: While proofreading I noticed this: 

"Study show's masks catch host of bacteria."



Well, well, well, if it isn't that bridge we said we'd cross when we came to it.


In 1910 Otto "Rambo" Herzog (1888-1964) a German climber and inventor repurposed for climbing a belt clasp he saw worn by a fire brigade and that's how we got the carabiner we know today.

I never knew there were so many different kinds. Read all about all of them here:


How do you accidentally eat a fish?


One can disagree with Israeli policies without being anti-semite. And to think some think the land "belongs" to the Jews because God gave it to them. Amazing.

Rand actually accepted Medicare and Social Security in her later years.


*Verification Requested

Think of the months of design work necessary.
I bet proper lubrication is a must.

Auto Repo Made Easy...and Fast

How did he survive that bloodless?

As an American, I am sick of people saying America is the stupidest country on Earth. Personally, I think Africa is the stupidest country on Earth.





I once told a friend that I wanted my grandson to call me Big Diddy. The woman said that grandchildren call you what they want to call you. I countered with that may be true for the first grandchild but after that, the rest of them are taught what to call you. 
I just cut out the middleman as it were.



I've got a pan like this in which to make cornbread.

That lady made brownies in one and nobody would eat them.

I once questioned why the side effects are never good - like may end baldness, or help your dick stay hard. Then it occurred to me that if it did any good thing then it would be sold to do that good thing.



By their different facial expressions, those two young women seem to have opposite reactions to their little stunt.


Maybe last longer if you never bothered growing up.

Not that there's anything wrong with that.



Chris Farley Impersonator at Autozone
-sound on-

Marble Board
They ought to have one of those in every doctor's waiting room.



0-60: Don't Die

60-65: Don't Die

65-70: Don't Die

70-75: Don't Die

   75-80: Don't Die

   80-85: Don't Die

   90-95: Don't Die

   95-100: Don't Die


Let's see a cat do that.


Is he smarter or just more observant?


There is no feeling like it...none.

Rabbits eat garbage that would otherwise clog landfills and should be raised for meat, leather, and fur.


Right when I was beginning to think she had reached her apex of goodness she goes and tops it.



Noah's Island, Alaska

That guy didn't fly to that island and build a house on it to get away from people just to have you put him on the internet like that with a drone.


Trillions of microorganisms working together make me sentient. Hell, yeah, we're doing it team!





That gave me thoughts I'm not proud of.


Wait for it...



*I assume that is sexual.





I used to do something similar to my wife all the time.


It's never too early to teach your young ones about using uxoricide as a problem-solving option.

No one has ever been able to rationally explain to me this glaring plot hole, ie the God of Love doing such an unloving thing.



I like girls getting nasty.



ponder said...


Jeffrey Epstein's pimp Jean-Luc Brunel dies in prison 'suicide': Frenchman who procured 'a thousand women' for pedophile financier and slept with Virginia Roberts 'hangs himself' - a week after Prince Andrew settlement

Anonymous said...

^^A3^^ I saw that movie, a looonnnggg time ago. eeewwww.

^^A12^^ I'd think sand getting into the mechanism would be a major hassle.

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