About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Sunday, February 13, 2022

SUNDAY #4799

 One Of My Very Own


EMAIL: ralh.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com



And it wasn't the Dems picking on him. It was HIS OWN JUSTICE DEPARTMENT!!!


If you buy NFTs with crypto-currency has anything really happened?




I guess that's better than the reverse.

Dead Nazi is a drink you can order.



I think about that a lot.



The Christian Right loves this guy...

I find that fucking hilarious.




Cov-Idiot realizes there is no huge conspiracy and just can't process it.

-read carefully-





Judging purely by its name, the Food and Drug Administration would be a great place to work.




It's a game mankind has been playing for...oh...ever.


🎶Drop kick me, Jesus, through the goalposts of life...🎶

There's a lot of that going around...

🎶When will they ever learn...Oh, when will they eveeeeer learn?🎶


That is a magnum of Champaign. We used to take several of them to 24-hour endurance races in Europe. In the middle of the night with cars screaming by we would walk up to a group of people around a bonfire and pop one of those open. We were very popular.

All things Henry...


We've all done that, right? Right?


When I used to drive for long, long stretches I would finally get to bed and wake up in terror a dozen times thinking I fell asleep at the wheel.

Break Dancing Magic

I did a push-up once.


Questionable Child Voice Actress

-sound on-


Classic Lucy

-sound on-


What Day Is It?

-sound on-

It will be interesting to see how our humor has changed after covid.

Speaking of...

Zoom Evolution

-sound on-


Yet Another Snake Prank
That's the best one yet!

And please don't tell me it's a repost because...


Today is Sunday, March 774th, 2020.



That's why Texas declared independence from Mexico: didn't want to give up their slaves. Remember the Alamo, it was all about keeping slaves.

*Verification Requested


Why the fuck not?


Nurses and Patients watch the dogfights between the R.A.F. and the German Airforce at the height of the Battle of Britain, August 1940.

The Battle of Britain was a major air campaign fought largely over southern England in the summer and autumn of 1940. After the evacuation of the British Expeditionary Force from Dunkirk and the Fall of France, Germany planned to gain air superiority in preparation for an invasion of Great Britain. The pilots of RAF Fighter Command, flying iconic aircraft including the Hurricane and Spitfire, were supported by a vast network of ground crews during the battle. The Battle of Britain was ultimately a test of strength between the German Air Force (Luftwaffe) and the RAF. The RAF had become an independent branch of the British armed forces in 1918. Although it developed slowly in the years following the First World War, it went through a period of rapid expansion in the latter half of the 1930s – largely in response to the growing threat from Nazi Germany. In July 1936, RAF Fighter Command was established under the leadership of Air Marshal Sir Hugh Dowding.

*We've all been told not to shoot a gun into the sky because the bullet could harm someone when it falls back to Earth. Well, those planes were firing thousands of very big bullets.


Weighing in at seven times the mass of our sun, the dark object is by far the best-yet candidate for a free-floating stellar-mass black hole.


All of that data supports the model that these vertebrae on posts were efforts to reconstruct the dead in response to European looting.


The Onion made a joke and now Alabama is living it...


Russia looks like such a fun place.

How in the hell does the cameraman keep the camera so steady?


Volendam, 1917

Winter scene in Volendam, 1917

Unfortunately, winters in the Netherlands are no longer like they used to be. Since then, climate change has reduced the number of days on which the maximum temperature does not rise above zero by 75%.


"A nut for a jar of tuna" is the same backward.



There was a lot of speculation about the purpose of this pocket. I've always heard it was for pocket watches...thus the name.

But how many of you remember these mesh pockets on the inside of men's bathing suits?

Well, it used to be that when you went to a swimming pool you put your clothes in a basket that you locked up to deter theft. The key to the lock went in that pocket.

I salvaged several of these baskets and still have some of them.

I used two of them to make this test tube two-dollar bill holder.


Look very carefully...

*Viewer contribution

Macaws of Costa Rica

Imagine living in a place where that is a daily occurrence.


Pay very close attention...and wait...


Teaching to dive? Why not innate?

As much as I admire ducks I want to know where I can adopt one.



I looked that up and, yes, it looks just that goofy.

Alternative Surfacing


Top it off with a little Cheddar cheese and it is delicious.


Making an Arrowhead

Cast Cutting
I remember my first cast being removed and the doctor invited me to touch the saw-looking wheel which was vibrating instead of the anticipated spinning.


So, this is your first Super Bowl? Here's what to expect...


People who think they are better because they are part of a "master race" are by definition, not. And if there are Nazis at your event and no one makes the Nazis go away, then you are at a Nazi event.


"Big Diddy, when the Nazis were attempting to take over America what did you do about it?"

"Well, I wanted to express my outrage but the readers of my blog only wanted entertainment."

"So...you did nothing?"


"How could you?! You should have screamed from the rooftops not hide behind displeasing your viewers."

"I'm...I'm sorry."

"You fucking ought to be."


So, I've decided to empty my Nazi File, but luckily most items require no comments from me.


And for far too many, this is his legacy.


Fuck Nazis.


Nazis don't like their evils exposed.


How stupid do you have to be to be a Nazi?










ponder said...

How in the hell does the cameraman keep the camera so steady?

Gimbal, and the camera probably has its own built in image stabilization. Might also be a drone.


If I lived in a country like the USA where both political parties refuse to support a State health service I would not support EITHER party. I certainly would not give one of the parties free propaganda as you do.

Ralph Henry said...

Dear Mike, You made a very good point and I appreciate it, but do you think Biden would get one Rep vote if he tried to pass a healthcare bill?

Anonymous said...

A11: You mean like uncle Joe Biden and his administration aiding and abetting illegal immigration. Of course, that’s different.
A13: A socialist asks the crowd “who hates the rich”? All hands go up. He then asks “who wants to be rich”? All hands stay up.
Well comrade, you really know a lot less about human nature and basic economics than you think you do.
C3: Finally, a good idea.
C7: I’m with you. They should have an old hippy month.

Ralph Henry said...

Dear A11 Anon, So let me get this straight - with a straight face you can compare differing immigration policy with overthrowing the government? You people amaze me.
As for hating the rich, I have asked many times what percentage of the wealth of this country owned by the top 10% would make you uncomfortable. What if they owned 90% - would you just shrug and say they earned it? How about 99%. I'm just curious as to how much is too much in your eyes.

Anonymous said...

Puzzle time: I'd say the answer is c. The reason is that there are two answers that are the same. We don't know what the question is, so any of the answers are equally right. Therefore since there are four answers with two being the same, I have a 50% chance of being right.

On the other hand, one could argue that there's a 0% chance of being right since we don't know the question, but then again since we're randomly picking an answer the question is irrelevant.

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