About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Sunday, February 27, 2022

SUNDAY #4813

 One Of My Very Own


EMAIL: ralh.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com




Just wait until the sanctions take full effect.


And peace-loving folks the world over have responded.



*Note sign on left.


Russian tennis player andrey rublev writes "no war please" on the camera after his win in dubai today








Best Little Cookie House In Texas…. Stand with Kyiv


Not since Hitler has one man been so universally hated.







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"The children of Ukraine are speaking to you, withdraw your troops."

That was the clip that made me cry.


"...infant so tender and mild" 

suggests the existence of a spicy baby.



"Yeah, but if it will clear up my acne..."


My very best friend of all time sat beside me at the bar and told me that the day before he had gone blind for a few minutes.

I immediately asked, "WHAT DID YOUR DOCTOR SAY?"

He went on to say that when he left his last appointment of the day 15 minutes prior he got in his car he had gone completely blind again.  


He shook his head and said it only lasted a few minutes. I stood up and said, "Come on, I'll drive you to Doctor's Care just down the street."

He refused.

I called him every insulting name I could think of but to no avail.

The next week he was rushed to the ER with a major stroke. The first two events had been the warning shots that he simply ignored.


Most people have been fucked by their insurance companies at least once...and they pay for that. Old folks LOVE their Medicare. You do the math.


There is a LifeAlert TV ad with this line: Batteries never need recharging.

I guess that's a clever way of saying you have to replace the batteries from time to time.

That reminds me of my pet peeve - car insurance companies bragging about allowing you to buy only the coverage you want...just like it has been forever.

It is exactly like advertising a grocery store where you only have to buy the groceries you want.


There are so many lonely people out there and they never seem to meet one another. I think it is due to most people having too high of expectations and those expectations almost always look. Listen, young people, no matter who you end up with they are going to all end up putting on a few pounds. Don't let that be a deal-breaker.


I just noticed that the latch is mounted to lock him in.


I have always hated unannounced visitors.



I might add having a BB gun since you were six years old, taking a loaded .22 rifle camping at age 12, and hitting and being hit with closed fists your whole life.

But for the sake of sanity get the shot anyway.


"Oh, you'll pray for me during my emergency? I'm glad you won't have to get up out of your recline during my trying times."


A recent comment to FO:

"A13 - I've had arguments with people (old Republicans) as to what constitutes a living wage. It used to be paying all your obligations and having the disposable income (think Mike Brady, the only breadwinner having the ability for a full-time housekeeper and taking his family to Hawaii) to people living check to check. I would welcome your thoughts."

I honestly don't know. Most of my young friends are struggling with the cost of a college education and healthcare. To repeat: I am not an expert in such things.

Here are some opinions of others that I lean toward.


Does Hooters have a right to hire only attractive waitresses for its restaurant? Does Hollywood have a right to hire only attractive actresses for a part in their movie? 




A news lady once asked me, "What's your favorite part of mural painting?"

I replied, "Photographing it when it's finished."


Stranger Things creators released this open letter to fans about the show's future.

I really liked that series.

So many people need a hug, a forehead kiss, and a grilled cheese cut diagonally.



*I haven't a clue as to the meaning of that but it just sounds like a cool thing to say to someone.

Imagine whispering that to the person in front of you as you both stand in line at Publix.



I've never seen a stoned person's eyes that wide open.





When my wife returns from the grocery store...


Quantum entanglement is one of the uber-bizarre phenomena seen when things get itty-bitty, or inside the quantum realm. When two or more particles link up in a certain way, no matter how far apart they are in space, their states remain linked. That means they share a common, unified quantum state. So observations of one of the particles can automatically provide information about the other entangled particles, regardless of the distance between them. And any action to one of these particles will invariably impact the others in the entangled system.


The whole "Live, Laugh, Love" bullshit disgusts me. 

There is a word for it you know. 

Kitsch can be defined as a low-brow style of mass-produced art or design using popular or cultural icons. However, it can also be defined as art, decorative objects, or design considered by many people to be ugly, lacking in style, or false but enjoyed by other people, often because they are funny.


Mass-produced objects are almost always kitsch.

And just because it was hand-painted does not make it non-kitsch. Case in point...


Remember this stupid fuck?

His friend knew.

And it was.

And now this...

^^B 10-11^^

Ivanka Trump got a new job...

(Remember the title of this section)


Hell, we all do that, don't we? Don't we?



I made a graph of all my past relationships. It has an ex axis and a why axis.

Black and white couples everywhere



That tells me that dog is in dire need of exercise.

My friend used to exercise his Husky by putting him on a long leash and letting it run along beside his car on a long dirt road. My friend thought that the dog thought it was pulling the car.



Did the British steal that also?


Look carefully...


Back when style and beauty mattered.


All things Anatidae...

I just found out that make duck diapers!


Speaking of pet lovers...


Now just for a moment try and imagine what would be the reaction if the mayor of, say, Detroit built one of those for his citizens.


This is a stereoscopic photograph. If you cross your eyes precisely enough, you'll have a perfect illusion of 3D.

To be honest I couldn't see shit and I'm beginning to think we are just being fucked with.


When the Russians closed off the whole of Berlin in June 1948 the city was supplied with planes only for almost a year. The so-called "Luftbrücke". The planes wouldn't even land, just dip down, drop supplies and rise again. And then the next plane came minutes after. And the next, and the next. 

Some of the pilots would drop candy for the children. Halverson was the first to bring candy and wiggle his wings when he came. 

The planes came down right between the houses. Children would stand behind the fence, watching the planes. 278,000 flights into Berlin brought 2.3 million tons of food, coal, medicine, and supplies. The airport was closed in 2008. But the candy bomber is still on display outside the main entrance. 


You work with what you got.


Fauvistville, Fraink


I like his using colors that normally aren't used together.


The Sun Has Erupted Non-Stop All Month


Take a look at how they make audiobooks

(It's long but I found it interesting because I listen to audiobooks every damn day.)

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Dad Put to Sleep

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Dad Reacts to Daughter's Music

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I did not find that funny in the slightest. In a situation like that, you DO NOT have to be honest. He will probably forget about the incident before bedtime but she will remember it for the rest of her life.


Political Disagreements

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dave said...


Anonymous said...

^^B3^^ Most psychedelics will do that to your eyes. At least the pupil part. Opioids tend to pin-hole the pupils.

Inchworm said...

A4 In some states, the govt mandates minimum insurance coverage. So, no, you can't buy just what you want.

Anonymous said...

A12:Does Biden have the right to only nominate a black female lawyer for SCOTUS? Even more exclusionary. Yeah, I know Regan did it. Do you remember in 2003 when Biden filibustered and voted twice against a black women’s nomination to the federal bench.

Ralph Henry said...

Dear A12 Anon, He is president. He can nominate whoever the fuck he wants.

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