About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Tuesday, February 15, 2022


 One Of My Very Own


EMAIL: ralh.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com



My team lost the game but they only lost by 3 and the bookie spread was 4 so I won my bet. It was a bittersweet victory.


He died doing what he loved - saying "Cars have to stop for pedestrians" as he stepped out on the crosswalk.






And now they are just supposed to "get over it".




^^A 8-9^^

Those who don't learn from history are destined to repeat it.



Keiji Nakazawa's I SAW IT

It's about a witness who lived through the atomic bomb.

King's Men: Sorry, your highness, we couldn't put Humpty Dumpty back together again.

King (drunk): Let the horses try.




I did not see that coming.

He's looking right at her!

I think he did it on purpose.

Shouldn't there be like a big red button for this?

Maybe the big red button just calls in that guy.





There are two kinds of people:

One kind would buy a lottery ticket immediately. The other would never buy a lottery ticket figuring they just used up all the luck they are due.


DO NOT hold the red cloth directly between you and the bull.

How fucking cool is that!


Bird Cooking

Here it is in case that didn't load.

Here he is bringing home the bacon as it were...


Dad Trick

The Street Dancer

Have you ever been chilling minding your own business and realized that your jaw has been clenched for the last 36 months?



This is the sledding venue at the Olympics.

I never imagined that it was so huge.


Olivine Pools

There is not enough money in the world to get me to frolic in one of those pools.

But what's with the cute little feet on the plaque?


I still remember the interview on TV of the Olympic shooter from Lebanon who transitioned into a deadly sniper in Beirut during their civil war. And get this - it was not just combatants that she killed.
Later I stumbled across this:

Powerful that.


In the bar business, anything you can do to make your bar fun is a big plus.

Son Doong Cave, the largest cave in the world, VIETNAM

As I understand it, it is so large that it generates its own weather.



I lay our prohibition for a humane escape from excruciating pain squarely at the feet of the organized Christian religion.

Now think about this...

"God told me to do it."

- lawmakers probably


The reassembly of Abu Simbel temples, Aswan, Egypt 1968.

I stand in awe of that achievement.


Airbourne the Hard Way

How could you possibly make shoveling shit fun?


The highlight of our new normal lives is when our package arrives.



That's NOT funny!

Missing screw

I drop a lot of stuff. That's why I always have a backup. But once there was no backup. It was a tiny round black piece of my router. I had to sweep my whole studio and then carefully sift through the contents of the dustpan. But I found it.


What do you see?

Yeah, I got it wrong also.


You've got to give the devil his due...


More of my newfound favorite animal.


"Where's your head at?"


Peaucellier–Lipkin linkage is the first planar mechanism capable of transforming rotary motion into a perfect straight line (1864)

"Wax on, wax off."

Steam Deer
-sound on-

Wind Energy

I've posted that before. I often thought that the trick was to come up with wind and solar that would power just one house. Be hooked up to the grid for backup.








How did they learn to do that?



Anonymous said...

^^D5^^ Google "duck penis images". I dare you.

Thorhees21 said...

A5 - I am not, and never have been a slave owner, nor have my ancestors. "They" are not and never have been slaves. History is history. Learn from it and never repeat it.

Anonymous said...

B3: it was on purpose. It was a choreographed stunt to promote the movie Daddy's home.
That was Will Ferrell throwing the ball.
The cheerleader was a stunt person.

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