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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Saturday, April 16, 2022


 One Of My Very Own


EMAIL: ralh.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com




Lieutenant Colonel Denis Mezhuev, commander of the Sevastopol Red Banner regiment, under the 1st guards motor rifle division, is killed, taking the death toll in Putin's army to seven generals and 33 colonels.


I heard a retired American general explain that many of the Russian army's problems can be laid at the feet of not having an experienced NCO corps. In the example above the young draftees have no idea how to get that truck unstuck and neither does the officer corps.


A projection of the Ukrainian flag mocking the Russian embassy in Washington DC, set to the appropriate music.




Do you want to know why the Easter Bunny hides the eggs? He doesn't want anyone to find out he's fucking the chicken.

And being a muralist that is why I have "Don't bother me" stitched on the back of all of my work caps.


Go for it. Why should I give a shit?


It's normal to feel out of sorts in these stressful times. Take care of yourself the best you can.


Do you think that odd color is just due to the lighting?


Kurt Vonnegut- Writes To A High School Class

 “Dear Xavier High School, and Ms. Lockwood, and Messrs Perin, McFeely, Batten, Maurer, and Congiusta:

I thank you for your friendly letters. You sure know how to cheer up a really old geezer (84) in his sunset years. I don’t make public appearances anymore because I now resemble nothing so much as an iguana.

What I had to say to you, moreover, would not take long, to wit: Practice any art, music, singing, dancing, acting, drawing, painting, sculpting, poetry, fiction, essays, reportage, no matter how well or badly, not to get money and fame, but to experience becoming, to find out what’s inside you, to make your soul grow.

Seriously! I mean starting right now, do art and do it for the rest of your lives. Draw a funny or nice picture of Ms. Lockwood, and give it to her. Dance home after school, and sing in the shower, and on and on. Make a face in your mashed potatoes. Pretend you’re Count Dracula.

Here’s an assignment for tonight, and I hope Ms. Lockwood will flunk you if you don’t do it: Write a six-line poem, about anything, but rhymed. No fair tennis without a net. Make it as good as you possibly can. But don’t tell anybody what you’re doing. Don’t show it or recite it to anybody, not even your girlfriend or parents or whatever, or Ms. Lockwood. OK?

Tear it up into teeny-weeny pieces, and discard them into widely separated trash receptacles. You will find that you have already been gloriously rewarded for your poem. You have experienced becoming, learned a lot more about what’s inside you, and you have made your soul grow.

God bless you all!"

Kurt Vonnegut



*NOTE: I seem to remember posting this a week or so ago but when I went to find it I couldn't so just in case I didn't post it here it is now. 

I think it's very important.


Sub: A submissive in a BDSM sexual encounter or relationship.

*I did not know that.



This is a call for democracy. 

Not a criticism of democracy.


*Viewer contribution

The thing that puzzles me most about some conservatives is that they excuse their people for doing things that they condemn the other party for doing. I say if Hunter Biden broke the law then throw him in jail. Hell, I wanted Bill Clinton thrown out of office for perjury.

Now take a second to consider what conservatives would have called for if Obama had sent thousands of Black people to storm the capital WHILE they were counting the final electoral votes. Take as long as you need on this one.


I opened my comments section and found this today:

"What’s stupid is your reasoning. No one forced them to go to college or take student loans. They applied for the loans and promised to pay them back. Having the government pay these loans would truly put this “burden on our children and grandchildren” to pay through taxes. You must know taxpayers have no choice. In your twisted logic, this is just fine."


I was talking about the competitiveness of our country and he is talking about saving a few bucks on his taxes. No other country on earth makes it so difficult for young people to educate themselves even though this education is absolutely vital for the long-term welfare of the state.

And just to be clear I don't want to raise taxes on anyone who makes less than $400,000 a year. I want more taxes from the very rich.



I think the scariest alien scenario ever would be if they came to earth, didn't talk to humans, communicated with something in the ocean for a few days, and then left.


All-day every day I'm like "What the fuck is happening" then I go to bed.



That took me a double-take.


Brokeback Mountain rehearsal?


I still find it extraordinary that during the 60s and early 70s lone young girls used to hitchhike all over the country. Imagine someone thinking of doing that today.


"My child could've done that". So many people have opinions about things they do not understand at all - art is one of them. It's like reading poetry and complaining that it doesn't rhyme. Or listening to an Italian opera and complaining that you can't understand a word of it.



What say you?


World’s Luckiest Man Collects Thousands of Four-Leafed Clovers

My first wife had the gift of finding four-leaf clovers. No matter where we are or how many people there were she would find 10 times more than everybody else. 


From Wikipedia: 'A lawman in the Utah Territory, he was nicknamed Old Port and The Destroying Angel of Mormondom.'


Man’s 10.8-Centimeter-Long Tongue May Be World’s Longest


Speaking of...

Khecarī Mudrā – The Controversial Yoga Practice of Sticking the Tongue into the Nasal Cavity

Khecarī Mudrā is an obscure and somewhat controversial yoga practice that involves gradually severing parts of the tongue and then curling it back until it enters the nasal cavity. Can you even imagine pulling your tongue back enough for the tip to slide into the nose through the mouth? It sounds impossible, and even if you could do it, wouldn’t that pose a risk of choking? Well, diehard hatha yoga practitioners must not worry about that too much, because that’s exactly what the advanced stages of a practice called “khecarī mudrā” require. Well, that, and gradually cutting the frenulum, the small piece of skin connecting the tongue to the floor of the mouth.


When I first read that I thought that they simply stuck their tongue up into their nose but as this illustration shows it's much more bizarre than that.


My friend Carl Copeland is an artist and one night an owl flew into his windshield and died. He retrieved the owl then drove to the state wildlife office and asked if he could have the dead bird so he could mount its skeleton. The wildlife people threatened to arrest him on the spot for having the owl in his possession. He was let off with a stern warning. When my friend asked if he should have just left it on the side of the road he got an emphatic "YES!"


I loved that guy. When he got on a roll it was 30 minutes of belly laughs. And do you remember that he was in Kelly's Heroes?


Comedian On Language


I'm 'I've called Blockbuster Video on a land line' years old.



I've been rich and I've been poor. Rich is better.



Talk about your room with a view...


Every time I see a structure like that I wonder how they got all the building materials to the top.


My friend Clark helped his twin brother build a house on a small island like that. It took them weeks to haul over the necessary building materials.

Had they done it in modern times I'm sure they would have included solar panels.


I seem to remember that in India or Pakistan their electrical system looks like that because people are more or less allowed to steal electricity right off the pole. Does anybody know the facts about that?


The artist is Néle Azevedo.





London’s Invisible House Is Covered in Mirrors


At Karen’s Diner Attitude From the Waiters Is What You’re Paying For

If your idea of a nice meal out on the town happens to include rude restaurant staff that’s actually paid to insult and ridicule you, booking a table at Karen’s Diner should be on your priorities list. “Great Food, Terrible Service” is the motto of Karen’s Diner, a new and intriguing fast-food restaurant chain that is currently operating in Australia and the UK. In case you haven’t made the connection yet, the name plays on the popular American slang for an obnoxious and entitled middle-aged customer who is never satisfied and wants to talk to the manager about the most trivial issues. Well, some bright minds decided that this sort of attitude would be perfect for the staff of a restaurant to offer patrons a truly memorable experience.


While in Boston visiting my daughter she told me about a restaurant with the rudest waitresses anyone had ever seen. The restaurant was located in a huge second-story loft and consisted of picnic tables like these...

But the picnic tables were lined up end to end with only a foot or so between the seats of one table and the seats of another row. When the food arrived the patrons at the end of the table were expected to hand the food from person to person until it traveled down the line of tables. If you object in any way you would feel the full wrath of the waitstaff.



When we talk over the phone our voices travel faster than the speed of sound.


Most comments on porn sites were written with one hand.



I've taught children who would do this...






I think those are mushrooms. Can mushrooms grow when attached to such a structure?



Robot Town Crier

Robot enforcing lockdowns in Shanghai is some seriously dystopian shit.

It’s saying “Please disinfect. Refrain from going out. Keep your house well ventilated. Cover your coughs. Wear your mask. Wash your hands.

And then there's this...


Joy on Swiss farms. Winter is over, back to the pastures.


"I must go, my people need me!"


The Frog and the Snake









ponder said...


As someone that had their 2 Pfizer shots & 3rd booster you have to start asking where does it end? In some circles I would be brandished an anti-vaxer if I don't go for a 4th, 5th, 6th etc shot. I've followed curfews, worn a mask, socially distanced, had 3 vax shots and been fine with all that and suffered great financial loss due to not being allowed to work. (I also had covid before the vax came out, fortunately it was like a mild cold for me)

I will NOT have a 4th shot, call me a anti-vaxer or whatever I don't care.

Ralph Henry said...

Dearest Ponder, I take a flu shot every year because the flu virus keeps mutating. Covid is no different. But I will use my standard argument - ASK YOUR DOCTOR.

Anonymous said...

I'd like to know the etymology of.. 'go to the sparrow' that's an interesting one, in Canada the Quebecois use 'Tabarnac' which is just 18th century french for Church as a curse word, because of Frances' religious history.

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