About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Sunday, April 3, 2022

SUNDAY #4848

 One Of My Very Own


EMAIL: ralh.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com






I listened to an interview he did on NPR this morning. He's there, fighting for his people. Our politicians are not like theirs.


There has been a huge influx of Russian soldiers sending packages "home" at Belarusian post offices. Presumably lots of items they "found" in Ukraine.


The hero the world needs...



I would be attracted to such a place.

I gave up on my favorite bar because the owner allowed unvaccinated waitstaff to wait on tables unmasked. The owner is a Trump cultist.




Some people think that if history makes your race look bad then it should not be taught. That is how we end up repeating our mistakes.


Americans are awful at seeking solutions to their problems by looking at where the problem has been solved successfully. The above is just one example but you can also look to healthcare in Europe or college education funding all over the world.



The corporations brag about record profits and then blame inflation for raising prices. You can't have both at the same time.



Say what you will about sleepy Joe Biden but he has never asked me for money and he has never tried to sell me merchandise.


I was glad when I retired from my job so I could focus on my true passion which is napping.


There are billions and billions of penises and vaginas orbiting the sun.



Fuck yeah!



Why is that woman gardening on her white rug at the foot of her bed?


The hand truck was a nice touch.






When I read that I almost freaked out. My wife picked me up in a bar and we have been married 32 years. True!


Trials on Fridays

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Hygiene Guy

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His job is to sterilize the microphone between speakers and he gets rousing applause when he shows himself.


They say that sex sounds like making Mac&Cheese but I don't think so. I have made Mac&Cheese and it never said, "Spit in my mouth and hold a Nerf gun to my head".

When you pop bubble wrap you are releasing air from somewhere else in the world into your environment.



I'll never understand men's vanity about their hair.


Another example of how vulnerable the human skull is by being located on top of the torso


This dentist fills the hole in her tooth but not the one in her heart.



Bad, worse, worst


The Flying Tailor: Franz Reichelt preparing for take-off from the Eiffel Tower wearing his designed parachute in 1912. 

His jump proved to be fatal.

*Might have worked from the top, 187 feet(first platform) is a pretty low jump even today, not enough time for full deployment.


Bad Day for Prince Charles

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It was stated that it was from a starter pistol, so the shots were blank, and he did it as a protest and not an assassination attempt.


The Babysitter

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It's a real shame that the Romans didn't have access to Australia specifically for augury reasons. I wish I could have seen a Roman augur have to deal with Australian birds. Like, imagine trying to properly interpret an omen from a fucking cassowary.


Every McDonald's should fly a flag at half-mast when the ice cream machine is broken.



Headline writers are a rare breed.


*Verification Requested


This is a wonderful mural in my neighborhood.

I was asked if I would like to submit a full-color mock-up as a proposal for that mural and I refused. I try not to do anything for free.

But as you know I am hyper critical of bad art and I should be hyper praising good art. This mural fulfills every requirement for the space it occupies.


That Harry Potter didn't win a single Oscar astounds me. I would have thought that costume design or lighting or something like that would've at least gotten an Oscar.


An Argentine farmer found this 20,000-year-old family of giant armadillos (Glyptodon) buried near a river. Being the largest size of a Volkswagen Beetle, it is estimated that it weighed around 2 tons.


Giant waves of Nazre, Portugal


A leafcutter bee waking up from a nap in her leaf bed.

They NAP?!?

*Verification Requested



Kjeld Nuis 103 km/h speed skating

We've all heard about drafting in NASCAR where the car in front of you pulls you along. I wonder if that windscreen pulls him alone?


The Tunnel

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Artemis Rollout

Movie idea: Fast and Furious but with current gas prices.


I like the sound of thunder because there’s always a tiny little chance that the guy who cheated me out of a $5 bet one time will be struck by the lightning.




I would put that on my résumé.


Dancers #1

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Dancers #2

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Dancers #3

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Dancers #4

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This move is called "My kids need a stepdad".


Importance of a good ball boy...


Paralympic Skier

Dad's Song

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As a father of daughters that touched me.




The moment he realized his mistake...


When I was at Walt Disney World I heard parents screaming at their children in every language on the planet.


Go ahead and read that again. 




Identifying the missing states is much harder than you would think.

And it's very odd how normal the map still looks.

*And let me know if you had to refer to a map.


Anonymous said...

I'm amazed that you would go into any business that was owned by a Trump supporter.

Anonymous said...

puzzle time
New Mexico
North Dakota
South Dakota
Pennsylvania...can't believe how long it took me to find this one.

ttsxii said...

I missed Pennsylvania and Deleware before I had to resort to a map.

ex-exec said...

I did not use a map Nebraska is missing. I'm over 70 I was taught right I even do math in my head.

Anonymous said...


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