About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Thursday, April 21, 2022


 One Of My Very Own


EMAIL: ralh.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com




A Ukrainian millionaire contacted Kyiv's military to bomb his own house after he spied Russian invaders using it as a military base to fire rockets on the property's webcam. 

Businessman Andrey Stavnitser handed over coordinates to the house in the outskirts of the capital once he realized it was housing military targets, sacrificing the ‘beautiful’ home he had only just finished building to destroy 12 Russian vehicles.




Very sad news today: Ukraine’s Jewish community has announced that the 91-year-old Holocaust survivor Vanda Obiedkova perished while sheltering in a Mariupol basement. 

As she lay dying, freezing and pleading for water, she wanted to know only one thing:

"Why is this happening?"


Press Secretary


Ukrainian Warfighter Welcomed Home



I bet they wait all year for that.


That reminds me of that one tool in my kitchen drawer.


Exercise, fresh air, camaraderie, and a bath all in one activity.


Oh, a man who either does like or does not like surprises.


Try that shit with a Canada goose.



You really shouldn't think that's silly if you approve of this...



Let's just assume the dog is old or injured to avoid criticizing the man.


The Magic Bullet

Fart Fun

I had a fart machine that I put in my bar. It was a lot of fun.


Sparks Be Flying

What must be going through his mind?


Top Game

Is the bell hanging out of the little guy's ass?



I’m going to make a secret pornography organization called The Illuminaughty.


Take your kids to see Santa so they can learn how to sit on a strange man’s lap in return for gifts.




I'm sure if there was a vote...


3 times? Okay, it's a long flight and hey, they would've let that slide. But 4? Naw, we can't have that.



*Verification Requested



I'm 75 years old and I still try to look overly innocent when I walk out of a store without buying something.


Is she sedated? She never wipes that silly smile off her face even while she is ON FIRE!


This is the classic "I know a guy who can do it cheaper".


The keg that almost got away...

My guess is a lost keg would've come out of his salary.


I'm thinking the truck had major problems before that incident.


Bad Day For Trucker

Go back and watch the truck driver's reaction again.



Half of these people once had houses, condos, or lived in apartments. Then they or a loved one had to go to the hospital.



All tattoos pretty much mean the same thing. Those people had money to blow.


My wife never finishes anything. She has a black belt in partial arts.



The cameraman walks in front of the bomb squad clearing minds with a metal detector.

In. Front. Of.


It's almost like he knows the anti-poaching soldier is there to protect him.


Clearcut case of sexual harassment on the job caught-on-camera...


Sailors and pilots of the USS Constellation sunbathing off the sides of the flight deck, 1966, Gulf of Tonkin.


I would guess even the best mechanics look at the manual from time to time also. So what's the point?


On the same day that I found and posted this…

My friend in London sent me this…


I got as excited as the children when they brought special programs into the school.


Praise the brave man that risked his life to bring us this footage from China.



Jet Engine Test

They must be wearing some ear protection from hell.


Making a Movie

I can remember every movie I worked on and I found them very exciting.



I wanna get a job at a grocery store & whisper, “Don’t fuckin touch that. You fuckin' put that back, ” to every customer who grabs something.


“We don’t have iced coffee.”

Me: “You have coffee?”


Me: “You have ice?”


Me: “You're not going to believe this...”




It would be cheaper just to dig her up and go necrophilic on the bitch.


One of the greatest siege-siege stories of all time.


Karman Ghia: poor man's Porsche.

My ex-brother-in-law had one of those in high school and painted it with a brush.


I find it interesting when trees are carved out by semi-tractor-trailer trucks on streets but I don't understand how this foliage was carved out. Maybe the hikers picked off leaves as they went under it.




I notice stuff like that all the time.


I have begun talking to my computer instead of using the keyboard for my comments on this blog. What I said was "the T in T-shirt" and this is what came out.


That small prop looks like it would be terribly underpowered.

Why is the ship's bridge in the back where it can't see shit?




Several people told me this was safe. Just something to think about when you find yourself in a bind.





How not to start your morning...




ponder said...

The cameraman walks in front of the bomb squad clearing minds with a metal detector.
In. Front. Of.

It's acting for the camera. That area would have been cleared before filming.

ponder said...

I would guess even the best mechanics look at the manual from time to time also. So what's the point?

Says he that berates people for getting medical advice from the internet.

Ralph Henry said...

Dear Ponder, Please. You know very well there are credible sites on the internet and then there is some guy in the basement of his parent's house.

Anonymous said...

For some reason I can't copy and save the videos here which makes me sadder than when I found a paw print in my cheesecake. :-( If anyone can give me a downloadable link for the woman surfing video, I greatly appreciate it. Thanks in advance. DTS

ponder said...

Blogger Ralph Henry said...
Dear Ponder, Please. You know very well there are credible sites on the internet and then there is some guy in the basement of his parent's house.

Youtube is not a credible research site.

Anonymous said...

"Poor mans Porsche" - Are you kidding, I LOVE old automotives and I'm 33, in the Summer time (Since I'm in Canada) my summer car is the 190E Mercedes, baby benz. Love it.

Also, with the cop busting through the wall I thought bad ass until he.. busted through again like the kool aid man.

And for the doctor looking it up on youtube, I mean just because you're a physician doesn't mean you'll know everything, sometimes there can be better procedures than what you learned 5-10 years ago.

Suppe said...

Youtube is not a credible research site.

It's not about the credibility of the site. It's about your ability to assess the content.

Anonymous said...

For Anonymous wanting surfer girl video:



Unknown said...

Thanks Raul!

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