About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Monday, May 2, 2022

MONDAY #4877

 One Of My Very Own

""A" 7."


EMAIL: ralh.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com




Do you think that is an escape maneuver?


Every church in America should all for the service.


That is what happens when too much wealth is amassed in the hands of a few.


John Harvey Kellogg was a gifted man with some really strange ideas. 

He ran his Battle Creek Sanitarium to promote wellness among his patients, which included feeding them foods he invented. One was cold cereal, which led to the company that bears Kellogg's name. Along with Graham crackers, which he also developed, these bland foods were supposed to keep one's mind away from sexual thoughts and the temptation of masturbation. Kellogg was also a proponent of eugenics. And he invented a lot of gadgets to use on the patrons of his sanitarium. These included "exercise" machines that required no effort, a poop chair, an electric horse (shown above), and an enema machine that sounds terrifying in its power. 


Speaking of cereal...



God, I love those. How do I see them before we picked out our silverware I would've gone with that style.



Exact conditions of each nomenclature: SOURCE


How about the peel is the least dense part of the orange?



Triple Point

Water is freezing, melting, and boiling at the same time: triple point.



Don't let Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck trick you into getting back together with your ex.


If you mix two kinds of toothpaste will all dentists agree or will two disagree?



Probably created on a home computer.  How many errors? I find 3:

1. Name of company grammar

2. Typo on the email address (big oops)

3. Autocorrect messed up “Storm Cleanup”


Can you imagine a panic parent following those instructions?


An electric pickup pulling a semi out of the ditch.

*Well, it really wasn't in a "ditch" it was more of an indention.


Of all the trips all over the world that my wife and I have taken we both agree that the trip to Alaska was our favorite. But you need to know when to go and that is June. There is still a little snow on the ground but there aren't any mosquitoes. Alaskan mosquitoes are about as big as your little finger – literally.

One bit me through my hoodie, shirt, and T-shirt. They have evolved to suck blood through a caribous hide. But they are very slow and you can swat them out of the air without any difficulty - if you were paying attention.


 I have shown you several pictures of exactly the same thing. As I understand it it is caused by leaving a train in gear while all of the brakes are set and it just sits there and spins all night.


Me: You need to stay away from crowds indoors. You need to wear a mask. You need to get a vaccine.

Millions of morons: No.



This is all I ask…

And when it comes to a pandemic use your brain memes asking your doctor not some anonymous quack on the Internet.




I once told my young daughter that mixing all the colors of the pallet together would result in a rainbow if her soul was pure and brown if she's evil.


Air Filter




Imagine going to a job interview then right in front of you they pull out a hotdog, dip it in ketchup, and begin asking questions while taking notes.


*That took me much too long. I was fixated on the red objects on their shoulder and overlooked the bigger picture.


When my wife saw me pull down the waistband of my underwear to pee asked me why it had a hole in the front if I never used it and I told her I had them on backward and the holes were for taking a shit.








Well, technically we all did that until we were potty trained.


Please don't ask me why this is in the Naughty Bits section.



*She looks like she's doing just fine.



Does a UFO remain a UFO once you identify it as a UFO?

*"I want to speak to the manager."

My wife refuses to wear her bathrobe to the store without first strapping a stylish belt around it.



Had I taken that photograph, I would have had it enlarged, framed, and hung on my wall.


Something you don't see every damn day.


To run a bead of caulk that perfect you have to do it every day and know precisely how to cut the tip.



I seem to remember that this ritualized display was to frighten their enemy. I can only assume it worked.


Facts concerning one of my favorite movies. I actually like the second one more than the first one.



*Verification Requested


Dog Rescue

Elephant Rescue

Stringed Piano


With only a knife and a small stump


This GIF is as old as the Internet.



Talk about your plot holes!




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