I want to see one of these shows...
But imagine if these are the next generation of billboards.
Then some designer asked why the passenger compartment was narrower than the fenders.
This took me a moment or two...
The Truth About Sirens
Midnight Sunrise
India's first privately made rocket.
If I was a Jedi there is a 100% chance I would use The Force inappropriately.
Do you ever make a small mistake and for a second or two you think you can just hit the "undo" key to fix it?
*I like that very much.
Oh, I'm not sure Communists or Dictatorships do any better.
You know that feeling when you show up for work and the building is not on fire?
Whoever believes money doesn't buy happiness can deposit theirs in my bank account.
I always stare at those in wonderment.
Do you women practice distorting your back like that in front of a mirror to make your butt look bigger?
I understand that completely. People like me need help no matter the number of stairs.
My friend Danny lives in London and modifies some of my posted images. This is one of my favorites.
Speaking of helmets...
Elephant Overcomes Electric Fence
Stealth Hunting
The way he used the tree was extraordinary.
When is "old enough to know better" supposed to kick in?
You should be able to pay $2 to ride the luggage carousel at the airport for one full revolution. I believe this funding would solve all infrastructure woes in most major American cities. This also would create jobs.
I heard an interview with a pilot who has flown over volcanos for twenty years. He recently flew over the erupting volcano in Hawaii and he was amazed at the speed of the lava flow. He said that lava normally flows at 25 or so MPH but this one is flowing at 40MPH.
Hell, I've had bartenders uglier than that.
Let's play that game where you design a society from scratch. Would something like that be allowed in your society? Of course not. What's wrong with us?
If you live there, what's on those bricks is in your lungs.
Custom-Sized Packaging
Umbrella Making

That little dance.

I would hate to work in the US
Puzzle time
Minnesota Fast?
^^A10^^ How come nobody ever thinks to just stop the fucking trolley?
Time machine settings: They forgot "in a little while"
^^C8^^ How do you even think up shit like that? And how many times did he take to get it right?
^^C9^^ Elephants are pretty fucking smart in general, and that one's an Einstein.
^^D3^^ I love Stephen Fry
^^D11^^ In 10 years or so that guy's gonna need a lung transplant. If he's not dead already.
^^D13^^ Ain't nobody got time for that. More's the pity.
I would have gone with Kamala Harris but that’s just me
Dear B9 Anon, Are you seriously suggesting that we compare Lauren Boebert to Kamala Harris...point for point...achievement for achievement? I'm game if you are willing.
Kamala is vise president with no skills.
Dear Kamala Person, I would think she picked up some "skills" as the Attorney General of California and a US Senator.
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