I think that the anniversaries of Neil Armstrong's July 20th first steps on the moon should be a national holiday - if not an international holiday. Americans can swap it for Columbus Day.
Am I the only one that remembers that Obama left Trump a detailed plan to deal with a pandemic only to have it thrown out?
Now I want to know if Biden has people working on a plan for the next pandemic.
A couple of weeks ago a major storm hit California.
This is what it looked like approaching the cost.
This is a Pakistani TV drama.
She may not even know what she's reading, but every single time I see the name Hitler or his picture I think about me standing exactly where he stood in this photo.
"The love of money is the root of all evil."
*Why aren't the utility corporations lobbying for more electric cars as hard as oil corporations are lobbying against them?
If you listen to one thing today let it be this...please.
Turn your trauma into art or at least a kink.
Biting your tongue is a reminder that your body’s cruise control has glitches.
Embarrassingly, I aced this.
You see a fantasy in the making.
I wonder how many takes it took before they synced the window openings.
Humans are pretty lucky that fire isn’t too bright to stare at.
Our finger fitting perfectly in our nostrils must be an evolutionary prank.
I read that it can grow a foot a day. That's half an inch an hour. You could almost sit and watch the end of a vine grow.
I never thought of that before. Having unkempt yards and trash laying about is a matter of economic survival.
Tardigrade Tax
🎶Try to remember those days in September...🎶
Hold the top bucket by the handle and tap on the rim of the bottom bucket with a hammer...vigorously.
An artist once showed me how to install two different fluorescent bulbs to mimic sunlight. I forgot what they are. But why would an artist want natural light when most of the time the finished painting will be seen under artificial light?
Imagine writing a scene for a movie that hundreds of millions of people will instantly recognize for the rest of their lives.
I'm still a little bummed out that I couldn't buy bulk bills from one of those countries with astronomical inflation. If any of you know how I can do that please let me know.
And it was captured on film.
Remember me painstakingly avoiding that smoking manhole? Here's why I did it.
Let's close this section with a few photos worth sharing.
Sometime in the future, the bodies on Mount Everest might be the most well-preserved sample of modern human beings.
You don’t have to raise your hand when knocking on the door.
Be afraid. Be very afraid.
Andre the Giant was next to the tallest man to ever live (as far as we know), Robert Pershing Wadlow who was 8' 11.1" tall
Does one shovel go up as another shovel is tossed down?
But she had let her hair grow out to cover it.
I had always heard that a helicopter losing power used its rotors to lower it to the ground.
It was stated two men died in that accident.
If the rotor lowering doesn't work why don't they have ejection seats?
"That's the way we've always done it."
If you weren't raised a Christian then symbolically eating your Lord has got to be one of the weirdest rituals you could imagine.
That young woman made that film of her sitting alone in the rain grieving the death of her beloved grandmother.
I too prefer to grieve alone.
Rug Making
Moose Rescue

A5:You may find this interesting:
^^D5^^ Where you going to eject to? Can't go straight up. There's rotors up there. If the thing is already going down do you really want to have an ejector seat shooting you downward some more? Straight out to the side can be risky too depending on how the copter is tilting.
D5: I want you to think about what you wrote. Ejection seats on helicopters.
That's all I have to say.
D5 Do YOU want to eject upwards through the still spinning blades? Of course not. That is why some military choppers have explosive charges that blow the blades off of the hub before ejecting the pilots.
Dear Inchworm, Thank you.
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