About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Friday, June 16, 2023

FRIDAY #5287

One Of My Very Own


*That's an old gag but it went so perfectly with that photo that I couldn't resist.












People staring at the moon...

The moon...


But listen to this...

In the near future is it going to be impossible to distinguish reality from the created bullshit. Think what that will do to political ads.


It is titled "Moaner Loser"



"Alpha coochie!"




Health experts say you aren't supposed to lie down immediately after eating a large meal, but my wife was already lying down while she ate it so I guess she's good.


Calling yourself non-binary categorizes everyone into binary or non-binary, creating a binary system that makes you binary again.





That's the way I used to look when I watched the guy on the next stool drink while I was waiting on the bartender to bring my beer.



I want to see his "girth certificate".



I don't know what that is but I know what it looks like...




Good Cop


Young Stephen Colbert & Steve Carrell



Grandma being Grandma

Grandpa being Grandpa...


If at first, you don't succeed, it's only "attempted" murder.


Dear Kids, If they ban a book in your school, haul your ass down to the bookstore or library and find out what they don't want you to read.



And that's why they try to attack from the blind side.






Many artists make their own paper and you can make it out of just about anything.


I wonder why it didn't return to smooth flow as soon as the stick was removed.


It would behoove you to enlarge that.



How very wonderful.


I once wrote that they should have backward-facing missiles for an enemy behind them and a commenter told me that wouldn't work because both planes were zigging and zagging. Well, that commenter may have forgotten that I'm an old missile guy - and I have the badge to prove it. The argument that the missile can't track a zigzagging target ignores the fact that that's what missiles do no matter which direction they are pointing. Anyway, my inquiry still stands but has been rendered moot by the long shots taken in modern dogfights.


How very human.


Tile Laying Pro

That made my pee-pee tingle.


Broke Car

How is that even possible?


Prank your dog by loosening his collar a bit daily and then Googling "shrinking dog syndrome" while he's on your lap.


They say 40 is the new 30 and 50 is the new 40. All I know is the older I get the more 9PM is the new midnight.




NOTE: I do not seek out "Humans Fucking Up" or anything similar. All such images just keep coming across my feed daily.




I think he told his friends that he could jump over their arms and then pranked them.






So many of them break their fall with their face.




-I left this an MP4 just because of the final sound -












Anonymous said...

Looks like a sea anemone to me!
Possibly the Snakelocks anemone.

Science guy

Anonymous said...

Why is it bad when Russia shell civilian centres, but ok when Ukraine does the same thing? Isn't that double standards.

Matt Santos
Equal franchise vote in the UK was passed by the conservatives.

Civil rights act in the US was filibustered by 18 democrat senators. It passed in the house by 80-20 (Rep) and 60-40 (Dem).

I need go no further

Ralph Henry said...

Dear A14 Anon, I'm against the shelling of civilians by any side but I'm not sure the numbers are balanced when it comes to the sheer scale of the destruction. But let's cut to the chase - Are you suggesting that Russia had a right to invade its neighbor? Whose side are you on?

Anonymous said...


Can only be South Africa, Pretoria area.

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