*I am very fond of absurdity.
Did you watch them go up? I did...every time.
Could someone explain that to me?
Do you think we ought to tell them?
Prove me wrong.
Fight or fight mode
I've been fascinated by "high-status profiles" for a long time.
That young woman has it in spades.
A civil rights group is challenging legacy admissions at Harvard University, saying the practice discriminates against students of color by giving an unfair boost to the mostly white children of alumni. The practice of giving priority to the children of alumni has faced growing pushback in the wake of last week’s Supreme Court decision ending affirmative action in higher education. The NAACP added its weight behind the effort on Monday, asking more than 1,500 colleges and universities to even the playing field in admissions, including by ending legacy admissions.
And I find that hilarious. And here's why.
I applied to Yale for my master's degree. That year they had 12 slots. There were 800 applicants. They culled it down to 60 and those people had to go to New Haven for an interview unless they lived overseas. I drove my 8-month pregnant wife up there in an old truck loaded with paintings. Once there I talked to as many art students as I could and found out that I didn't have a chance and all this visiting was just for show. Why. Out of the final 60 applicants, children of alumni were pre-slated to fill every slot.
Robot Abuse
Back in the 70s, I watched a movie called Soylent Green. It was set in 2022. I will not be eating fake meat.
Would it kill a 9-year-old child to use beauty cream that makes you 10 years younger?
A 1950s television show did the unthinkable: surprise a victim of the Hiroshima bombing by introducing him to one of the bombers on live TV.
*Viewer Contribution
*NOTE: Many of you send me material and I thank you very much. But I often forget to note that it came from one of you. Sorry.
It's sort of like a perpetual motion machine only with electrons.
Speaking of...
If ten years ago someone had told you that in the future the United States of America would start banning books I bet you wouldn't have believed it.
Barn Raising on Steroids
What it was was football.
Wheelchair Trick
Clearing a hangfire the Ukrainian way
I think it's strange how recliner sleepy never directly translates to bed sleepy.
I thought growing old would take longer.
More anasaphilia...
That's amazing.
Foot fetish?
Did you recognize that very appropriate music?
I don't eat anything that grows out of the dirt either.
It's strange how some things just stick in your memory...forever. Every time I see little frogs I think about those hundreds of them that died trying to cross a sidewalk of wet concrete and left perfect impressions of themselves in the surface. I couldn't keep my eyes off of it.
Highly motivated dog...
The instructions weren't clear...
If you drink beer fast enough fitbit thinks you are jogging.
You can put whatever you want on a to-do list. There are no rules.
A man's gotta eat when a man's gotta eat...
On a side note - why do you think it has wind turbines on the side?
This man looks like he is restraining his truck.
What do you think happens when he lets go?
Who stands that close to a burning vehicle?
Talk about your videos that end too quickly. Damn.

What is that blue arrow all about?
What will he ask for?
A6: I've seen the sign many times.
Is the warn in the swimmer of an underwater drop off.
Big ass v8 gas guzzler in greta thunbergs face.
Really sad, one might expect it from the one side but both sides are doing this shit. Then there's self censorship where publisher does it to pander to the pc/woke brigade like with Dr. Seuss for example. Y'all lost your collective shit.
Did you notice the running shoes?
Eine kaaskop.
Dear A6 Anon,
Why does the guy have a penis?
A12; You wouldn't tolerate "free" health care for a day; the standards and waiting times here in England are appalling. You have to pay to "go private" to obtain the quality of care you enjoy...
Last item puzzle; "A room for two knights".
"Dear A6 Anon,
Why does the guy have a penis?
Left hand/arm, get your mind outta the gutter.
After A20...
Soylent Green was made of real meat...
@Mike Harris A12 - It's no better here in the US if you pay for insurance. The insurance companies are in control of paying the doctors. Heaven forbid you don't have a job that provides insurance; then it is just tough shit all together.
I went to my Dr. back in April of 2022 about numbness in my hand and he diagnosed it as Ulnar nerve entrapment. Said we have to wait and see it it gets better on it's own.
Finally, after many more visits, I was approved to see a neurologist in March of 2023. Got to see him in the first week of April 2023, and he looks at it and says, "yep, looks like Ulnar nerve entrapment. Better schedule a test to be sure".
We scheduled a test at the end of April and confirmed what everyone already knew - Entrapped ulnar nerve.
Finally - I get to see a surgeon in near the end of May. It looks at it and says, "To bad you didn't see me sooner. We might have been able to save the muscles in you hand from atrophy. We better schedule surgery".
June 15th, 2023 I finally get the surgery I needed back in 2022. My hand is withered away and I can barely open a zip-lock bag.
July 17, 2023 - the occupational therapist says, "Our goal is to save what little functionality you have left. there is no hope to regain the lost muscle."
Healthcare in the US sucks! I've experienced it my entire life.
Until the barrier between for-profit insurance companies and healthcare are burned to the ground, it will only get worse.
Some guy is out there on his yacht drinking mojitos earned from the pain and sufferings of his "insured" policy holders because he refuse them treatment in a timely manner.
Fuck You, Mike Harris!!
Dear Anon Nerve Guy,
I'm sorry that happened to you. Thank you for sharing your tale of woe.
You were doing so well...then the last sentence. Don't do that. Please.
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