This section is full of some pretty silly shit but I can only steal what's available on any given day.
My wife and I selected a GPS voice of a young British lady just for kicks.
That reminds me of the farm mural I designed for a man who said, "Money is no object". He loved the design but when he heard the cost he balked. I asked him how much money he was willing to pay and he gave me a figure for a third of my quote. So, I started eliminating items: The farmer and all of the farm hands were eliminated as were several outbuildings, the herd of cows was reduced to one, and the only trees were far off in the distance. The man did own a restaurant so I managed to add in a year's worth of free meals for me and anyone I brought with me.
I'm just going to go ahead and take her word for it.
Days later I found this...
This is her and her attacker...
What do you get when you mix alcohol and literature?
A: Tequila Mockingbird
B: F. Scotch Fitzgerald
C: Ernest Hemingway
Imagine you are a whale and you were breaking up with your whale girlfriend and humans recorded your conversation and put it on the Internet to fall asleep to. That would be so fucked up.
Almost every library used to have a research desk. I remember the day my daughter asked me how much the sun weighed and I just gave her the number and said, "Ask this nice lady. It's her job to answer questions."
Think about what Florida being surrounded by 100° ocean water will do to hurricanes.
Maternal mortality—defined as a death during pregnancy or up to a year afterward—more than doubled in the U.S. between 1999 and 2019, according to a new study. Deaths increased among all races and ethnicities, but Native American and Alaska Native communities experienced an alarming surge. While rates of maternal death in other wealthy countries have declined in recent decades, only the U.S. has seen steady increases.
While they gave one example of how rare six sigma events are, to give you another, particle physics uses a five-sigma standard for new discoveries. That is, 99.99998% confidence is our current statistical standard for making claims in the category of "protons exist", and "you and I are made of atoms". At six sigma, we have 99.9999999% confidence that this is not a random, one-off event.
A Drone Flew Into Siberia's 'Doorway to The Underworld' And The Footage Is Epic
For years, as the climate warms, Siberia's permafrost has been showing signs of collapse, with sinkholes appearing out of nowhere and bubbles of gas erupting under people's feet. The biggest and most well-known of those sinkholes is known by the local Yakutian people as the 'doorway to the underworld'. When we reported on the anomaly back in 2018, it was growing so rapidly that it was uncovering long-buried forests, carcasses, and up to 200,000 years of historical climate records.
Those women support a rapist. Unfathomable.
Remember in elementary school when we sent people to Jupiter to get stupider? Well, they're back. I see them everywhere.
I feel most of the world's problems could be solved with more swim-up margarita bars.
"You come into MY HOME!?
All those pups look so fat and healthy.
How the hell does she do it?
Juvenile peregrine falcon testing his weapons system.
Indian Gharial
What must they be thinking of one another?
Snake Capture
This is in case it didn't load.
I may feel old but I'll never be as old as the mother and father of that shark-eaten eight-year-old boy in Jaws.
*That took me much too long.
Potato chips: Like eating a potato one page at a time.
NOTE: "A correction: It took him 6 months, not 4 years (One of the original articles about this was written in 2014 - so I'm guessing the 4 years was from a misconstrued 'four years ago'). Also, she said yes. Updated article: https://scoop.upworthy.com/tokyo-man-used-google-earth-to-craft-record-setting-wedding-proposal-595055"
A Water bomber fills up on the Columbia River. Fighting fire on Badger Mt in Central Washington.
There are two kinds of wives...
I hate formula movies. The shoot 'em up, car chase bullshit does nothing for me. I like unique plots. Now imagine the trite crap AI is going to crank out.
I've run across several of these.
Could that be faked?
The foot that they use to design women's high heels...
Baby Dancing
I've seen that before, but you can feed in any design you want and the design used above just seems a little...unimaginative.
Cave In
They are watching as yards and yards of the road collapse while they stand mere feet from the edge.
Crab Lift
Thatch Roof
We stayed in a place that had a thatched roof in Mexico. From the inside you could see slats and in between them the thatch. I was laying on the bed and watched as a spider lowered itself all the way down from the thatch to the floor. I don't know if that is common but it has never happened in my house.

See anything...odd?
Puzzle Time: The peas are upside down.
B5; Yes you are being alarmist. For a counter opinion see notalotofpeopleknowthat website, and also the excellent Judith Curry,
B7 They know much more than you do and they have common sense. Trump isn't a rapist, and there is no way in 10 hells he'd rape that batshit crazy lunatic.
Dear MAGA,
Thank you so very much for your comment. To ease your distress, I have instructed my board of directors to immediately address your concerns in order to elevate Folio Olio to a standard to which you will approve. In the future, if I ever post something with which you disagree, please do not hesitate to bring it to my and my viewers' attention.
Have a blessed day.
I know you're older, Folio, but so am I. Being old doesn't mean a person has to be ignorant. Please try harder to find the truth. You have a blessed day, too, and do your best to not be a dumbass.
Thank you so very much for your comment. To ease your distress, I have instructed my board of directors to immediately address your concerns in order to elevate Folio Olio to a standard to which you will approve. In the future, if I ever post something with which you disagree, please do not hesitate to bring it to my and my viewers' attention.
Have a blessed day.
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