Uṅkaḷ etirkālattiṟku nīṅkaḷ tēvai. Uṅkaḷ kaṭanta kālam illai.

My sister, brother, and I got tickled one night at the dinner table and every time we looked at one another we burst out laughing. My father told us to stop but it was impossible. So, he took off his belt and lashed us with it. The irony is that we were tickled because it was one of the rare evenings my father ate supper with us.
I swore never to allow that to happen under my watch.
Ancient South African Tracks Reveal Oldest Evidence of Footwear Ever Found
The average life expectancy in America is now 76. I just turned 77. But I am a gambler and I know that in the pool of people, there are people who are obese, drunkards, diabetics, risk takers, drug users, etc. I felt good about that until I also realized that in that same pool of people, there were people who never drank or smoked, never took drugs, and also now eat healthy and exercise regularly.
Tarzan's first wet dream did not involve a human.
We talk a lot of shit for people who have no clue which months have only 30 days.
How very clever.
I knew a young woman who had her marriage annulled because the man she married had too big a dick - true story. Then she married another man and lived in the same small town for the rest of their lives and EVERY person in that town KNEW that his dick was not too big. I think about that more than I should.
My wife packed seven changes of clothes for my daughter's seven-day camp and when she got home none of them had even been unfolded. She wore the same outfit for a week.
I wish I could hear the relief in his voice.
911 Call
Don Rickles - Very Funny Man
He once went over to Frank Sinatra in a restaurant and told him that he had a date and to impress her would Frank come by and say hello. Later, Frank walked over to Don's table and said, "Hi, Don," and Don Rickles said, "Not now, Frank, can't you see I'm eating!?"
Jim Carey
Fear is knowing that a werewolf is hunting you. Terror is when you see it charging you. Horror is realizing that your feet are stuck to the floor.
Whenever I'm asked about old age and what I miss most I always say, "Orgies" and look them right in the eye without a hint of a smile.
Everyday foods that scream ‘AMERICA!’
Here is the list they provided:
Buffalo wings
Barbecue Pork
Hot Dog
Ranch Dressing
Biscuit and Gravy
Which do you think is the most American food?
I like them upside down so no bugs can get in them.
I bet that was a rough ride home.
This is how you stack pots in a kiln.
Nothing is connected to anything else. All the supports and shelves just sit there precariously. And I think that is why these collapsed so easily.
I further think that the stack was on a large dolly that would roll all of the unfired toilets into the kiln.
Duck Mother: If you can't save it, join it...
Plane in Wind
Water Power
I'm a guy who does stuff sometimes.
Who knew the apocalypse would be so slow and expensive?
I was once stuck in traffic coming back from the beach and a little person pulled up next to my car on a full-size Harley. But his legs would have been too short to reach the ground.
And somehow he had the seat lowered so his feet could reach the ground and he ended up looking directly over the gas tank of the full-sized Harley. I was so amazed I made him a major character in one of my novels.
*That is NOT a picture of him.
Is that the Queen?
Collecting Rubbish
Farm Worker
Fish Rescue
Removing Graffiti
It said:
"The top layer of metal has to be stripped to get the graffiti off."
I don't think so. My murals were painted with water-based paints and then coated with a special clear coat that dissolved with paint thinner. So if the mural got sprayed I just dissolved the clear coat without damaging the paint then applied another coat of clear coat.
In all my 500+ murals I only had one vandalized with graffiti.

Let's have a mental exercise. Suppose you had never heard of the bible and someone came up and explained prayer to you. And you asked what percentage of the prayers were answered affirmatively and the guy said, "The EXACT percentage as random chance." What would be your response? Here's mine...
And please keep in mind that BOTH sides in every war prayed for victory equally vigorously.

2 + 1= 3
2 + 1 = 3
#A8 At 77 your life expectancy is another 9 years. So, I'm looking forward to another 2k of your excellent blogs. Lucky me! :)
Puzzle: 3=1+2
Déjà vu: How I met your mother.
#D9 He said it was edged or carved rather than a graffitti
(not sure if my previous comment went through)
A4 - None of the countries mentioned have a wealthtax. Netherlands has something called a wealth tax but it is on theoretical income / losses of capital
B1 - This looks like the elections for the Doge of Venice during the Venetian republic
Move the top line of the equals sign to make a plus and move thevertical match of the plus sign to make an equals.
3= 1 + 2
Migrants first!
C4: Cup on the far right looks like an Air Jordan logo cup. I've got an idea for a Pshooooop. watch this space. :)
C4: I like them right side up, so the rim of the cup doesn't rest on the shelf where the bugs have been walking.
B1: it's reductio ad absurdum, deliberately choosing a single outdated bit of complex oligarchy which called itself a republic [Venice] to attempt to make the actually rather straightforward Electoral College arrangement appear to be overly complex. Rather than state "the only election paradigm our idiot fellow citizens can understand is a simplex 'majority rules all' scenario", the meme maker ridicules something other than that which is actually in effect. It's reductio ad absurdum combined with a straw man fallacy... unless he actually does intend to be mocking the Venetians at the top of their power, in which case it is mildly amusing.
Dear RetRsvMike,
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