About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Thursday, January 11, 2024


 One Of My Very Own











Amazon has kept me in business.




One of my very favorites...



*You may have noticed that I like writing dialogue. You should at least attempt to create a backstory for each of this kind of OOMVO.





Can't you just smell that?












*It's a species imperative you twit.




My wife and I toured Europe for a month and each of us only had one backpack of clothing. My wife took a dress like that made of T-shirt material. She wore it once.


All things Ralph...



The lack of crap detectors in this country is alarming.


Capitalism Illustrated

Or do it like the egg industry did it - get together and conspire to raise all your prices and blame Biden.





Reminds me of my Wealth Management for Beginners quarter holder.











Anonymous said...

B10: No kidding! I used to come here and enjoy your Blog every day. Now I just check in maybe twice a month to see if you put the old Blog back and cut out the OOMVO stuff. I miss your old Blog style.

Anonymous said...

^^A2^^ Not to mention corporate welfare to the oil and mining industries.

^^B10^^ I freely give up those 15 minutes every day. What else am I gonna do thigh 'em?

Ralph Henry said...

Dear B10 Anon,
Did you read what I wrote about the man who walked over to his old neighbor's house to accept free homemade cookies and after getting home and tasting the cookies the man didn't like their taste. So what do you think he should do? Discard the cookies and not go back for more or write the old man a letter complaining about his gift? Seriously, what would you do? Well, we know what you would do. You came to my blog, found it not to your liking, and then sent me a letter whining about it.
I don't make my OOMVOs for you. I make them for me. I find great joy in putting them together. I find it much more fulfilling than merely stealing things from other sites. So, do me a huge favor and just go away. Your opinion is not needed nor appreciated. Go whine to some other blogger.

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