One Of My Very Own
It hailed at my house.
If I designed women's clothing...
The Bearing
You Take One
RR Crossing
Something You Don't See Every Day
A1 - Well, I have an opinion about other women's vagina and not my own because I'm past the baby making stage. My opinion is.... it their body, so it's their choice. This whole "pro life" BS is more about control (like rape) than it is about babies. That and pandering for votes.
Puzzle time
Not every pipe is an open connection
David said...
Puzzle time
Not every pipe is an open connection
And how do you figure that when all the pipes are the same?
A1 - Well, I have an opinion about other women's vagina and not my own because I'm past the baby making stage. My opinion is.... it their body, so it's their choice. This whole "pro life" BS is more about control (like rape) than it is about babies. That and pandering for votes.
Weird how the US is so fucked up and rest of the modern world don't give a shit. Over here you get free HPV shots for girls, free tampons/pads in school, free abortions, free condoms, free birth control pill/injections and we live in shithole Africa as orange man says.
Look closely at bottle 1. The pipe on the right is open, the bottom left is not. They are clearly different.
If you are going to argue then don't do it anonymously.
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