About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Friday, May 31, 2024

FRIDAY #5637

 One Of My Very Own




That's especially true with racism.



It scares me to think how many stupid people there are.


I knew a homeless guy who slept in his car but spent money to kennel his dog. I took his dog to my house and he came to see it from time to time.






I love trees and feel very fortunate that I get to look at this magnificent living thing every single day...


And they just throw the third one to the first two with just an added: "Don't kill it".






I haven't mentioned lately how important it is for a youngster to have a dog.


And that illustrates how stupid they think you are.



Southern Fashion


I knew a courtroom sketch artist. He showed me some of his stuff and he was very good. He worked for the newspaper and his pay was a joke.


BTW: Of all the trials ever held in America Donald Trump's should be on TV so the American people can hear and see all the evidence.


That's actually impressive.



I wonder how many times he had to attempt that before he got it right.





That hits rather close to home.




And it's not the kids - it's the administration. You wouldn't believe the bullshit they forced us teachers to do.



I'm not sure I understand that.



Does Your Dog Bite


Dog Fun


Guard Dog












Democrats have made a fatal error in prosecuting Trump; I see his campaign funds have received tremendous amounts during the last few days. Down with the gangsters, aka Democrats!

Ralph Henry said...

Dear Mike,
You didn't even hear the evidence. A jury of his peers heard all the evidence and unanimously decided he was guilty. Are you asserting that you know more than the jury?
Or perhaps you are asserting that falsifying business records should be tolerated.
There were Republicans on the jury. And each juror was approved by the defense.
Why is so hard to believe that a man who stole money from his charity and cheated students out of money at his university could be a fucking crook?

Anonymous said...

Ralph on Sesame Street..

Today's Blog is brought to you by the letters W and D, and the Number 40.

Best regards,


Anonymous said...

You will like this if you know the original song/band,

Eric Smitt said...

Ralph Henry said...
Dear Mike,
A jury of his peers heard all the evidence and unanimously decided he was guilty. Are you asserting that you know more than the jury?

My reply is a general reply and not related specifically to the trump trial thus not political.
I'm not from the US, we don't have jury trials. I'll be honest, I don't trust them, you are leaving legal decisions up to common people with very little understanding of the law and often driven by emotion. How many black people have been sent to the gallows by a jury, how many mentally handicapped have been sent to the gallows, all innocent. I have seen cases where forensic dna evidence clearly proves an individual was not involved in a crime yet a jury will find them guilty.

I have very little trust in a jury system, that said I also don't like the US judicial system where judges are allowed to have political & religious affiliations/beliefs.

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