About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Monday, May 27, 2024

MONDAY #5633

 One Of My Very Own




The Games We Play




And that bastard Biden didn't wave his magic wand to stop them!!



I'm still amazed that during the whole terrifying ordeal the guy never even dropped the map.









Very, very true.



Many graphic designers seem to have forgotten the whole purpose of language and it is not to look pretty but to be readable.


"Damnit, Janet."



Just food for thought.



*Some of them I make just for me.



A bad disc in his back kept my father out of WWII. He told me that it was the biggest disappointment of his life.


I once walked up to the bar to order another beer and a guy said, "Are you Ralph Henry?" I just looked at him and asked if I knew him and he said, "You were supposed to say 'Why, does he owe you money?'" He went on to explain that he read my blog every day and I had once written that. I was flabbergasted.

Question: Do you think you would recognize me if you saw me in a bar? Remember, old men with white beards are a dime a dozen.


As I remember it, it has a corkscrew "tail" that spins for propulsion and back when I learned about it nobody knew how that was possible.




Bow Surfing




Farm Smart




Let's Be Careful Out There


Log Rolling









Anonymous said...

I'm still amazed that during the whole terrifying ordeal the guy never even dropped the map.

They're called 'pacenotes' which is a language of its own.

Anonymous said...



Bill Ward said...


When your BLM buddies were attacking citizens & police, burning peoples livelihoods to the ground, burning a federal court, burn homes with children in them, block fire & ems from performing their duties you were happy and I distinctly recall you saying they should burn more shit down if that is what it takes. I tried searching for that post of yours but so far no success.

Anonymous said...

Puzzle time, Mr. Minus Ten - Armando

Anonymous said...

Puzzler - Mr Two

Ralph Henry said...

Dear Bill,
Did they carry Biden flags when they did all that stuff you claim they did?

billr said...

^^A8^^ Looks like he did drop the notes by the end of it, but he still had the pencil in his hand.

Anonymous said...

Hey Ralph Bill just made your point and doesn't even know it.
Hugh Mann

Ralph Henry said...


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