About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Sunday, July 28, 2024

SUNDAY #5695

 One Of My Very Own





Is it frozen first?


I know so many men who stayed in an exceedingly unhappy marriage "for the children". But those men and their wives are showing their children what marriage should be like, and their example is less than exemplary.










Me when someone knocks on my door...


Think of how so many people choose to be stupid ON PURPOSE: flat Earth, vaccines are bad, science is our enemy, higher education is a waste of money, human-induced climate change is a myth, electric cars are bad, and last but certainly not least, reality TV is unscripted.


ALWAYS pay for the insurance.


My good friend Kent wrote headlines for the largest newspaper in the state and he had some wonderful stories akin to that.


This looks like a woman putting on eye makeup.


I've had a few women give me that exact some look.







A guy posted a few of those old "Roast Me" memes and I picked a few to share with you.















Ron said...

Puzzle Time: You can lead a horse to water, but, you can’t make him sink.

Spam4phil said...

puzzle a seahorse?

Anonymous said...

Thr democrats blew off 14 million dem primary voters. Tell us more about how you are saving democracy. BTW Trump was already there for 4 years. I missed his dictatorship. FEAR MONGERS GAS LIGHTERS HYPOCRITES

Ralph Henry said...

Hey Anon,

Graygrouch said...

I did NOT miss January 6th. I thought Merrick Garland's FBI and their Antifa thugs put on a great show. It was awesome you marxist dick head.

Ralph Henry said...

Hey Nazi Twit, what about all the hundreds of Trump supporters who confessed and are serving time?

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