This guy makes stunning jewelry in a chain mail style.
I don't know who that is I just thought that would be a cool thing to say.
Now go back and take a close look at that kitchen.
I'm pretty sure that involves a metal ring tied on a string and the object is to hook the ring on a hook. I tied a set of completely closed 8" calipers to the sting then tied the sting to the ceiling and made it long enough to barely miss the floor.
Why would that frighten anyone?
That is one pretty young lady.
I could not do that. To get on a lift stage from a flat roof I had to crawl to the edge.
The Supreme Court just ruled that if a government employee gets money BEFORE they make a decision then it's an illegal bribe. But if they get money AFTER they make a decision it is just a tip and is not illegal. I used to take comfort in my belief that nothing really bad could happen in this country because the Supreme Court wouldn't allow it. I no longer think that.
Is he doing that with his teeth?
NOTE: Does anybody know how to lighten up GIFs?
I would have loved to make something like that.
Speaking of...

They needed a banana for scale.

Ginsburg literally handed her seat to the republicans, there could have been a more balanced bench but screw you it's me, myself & I, I'm gonna die on the bench.
The joke is actually on Biden.
B1-There is ample evidence for Biden's racism. The media never mention it.
After 30 years the sea level is the same in Rio.
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