About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010


Yesterday was my anniversary. That day was one of the most important days of my life and ranks right up there with the day I got out of jail, the day I cheated on that Art History Mid-Term and didn't get caught, and the day....Oh, I can't go on like this. The births of my daughters are the only events that even come close to the day I married my present wife. I never knew life could be so full. I have said many times that without her I would surely be sleeping up under the bridge at K-Mart. She's that good for me.
We went out to a nice Italian dinner last night and took these Anniversary Portraits of ourselves.
Aren't they charming. I'm the one in the hat.
We will get on the road late due to USA/Algeria World Cup.
"Must win" and "Algeria"...two terms I NEVER thought I would hear in one sentence.
This morning we had to get back on an interstate to get the hell out of Oklahoma City. We found ourselves in a big city because the two motels in the small town where we wanted to stay had problems. (This is true) One of them had half of their mattresses leaning up against the fence out front. We took that as a bad sign. The other one had no one, but two, tractors parked in front of two of the rooms. I found that disquieting.
So anyway, I watched the USA score a very exciting goal and jumped on I40. Almost immediately there was a miles long stoppage, so we decided to "go around it". Jesus! Two hours later I finally got back on my beloved back roads...the kind with grass growing in them.
Somewhere in southern Oklahoma, in the middle of nowhere, we found god's house...
His choice of architectural style was....interesting...but the brass eagle on the roof was a nice touch...
And if you ever wondered how god makes enough money to fund his universe, he rents U-Haul trucks...
(you can't make shit like that up)
I wanted to tag that wooden mail box post more than you can imagine, but then I figured it was probably some sort of federal/postal felony and if anyone would press charges it would be god...I mean, when he gets pissed he has a habit of doing some really nasty stuff....you know, like killing every man, woman and child...except his pet family.
And now some Futbol Humor...
(If you don't get that...ask your husband.)
Now, let's have some fun with language. I love language and what it can do...or not do...(this is kind of long, so if you have shit to do, go do it)
(give that last one a minute)
And yet ANOTHER example of words that have NEVER been put in that order before...
(that cartoon reminds me of all the young people with cool asian characters whose meaning escapes them)
(those zany, albeit ill informed, greenies...)
(again...if you don't get this, ask your husband)

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