About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Saturday, June 12, 2010


We were forced to drive interstate all day...there just aren't any back roads in this part of the desert that lead anywhere. Therefore no tags installed, no cool shit to see, no nothing...fast food restaurants and chain motels...we hate it. It's like vacationing in West Columbia.
One running gag has been going on since we left Columbia. When we pass a truck, my wife, remembering her Southern youth, tries to do that hand gesture to encourage the truck driver to blow his air horn. If you are unfamiliar with an air horn, it is activated by a thick cord on the roof of the trucker's cab. He reaches up, yanks on the cord and the horn blasts. To encourage him to blast his horn on command, you clinch your fist and pump it in the air as if you are pulling down on the cord. It is very, very important, however, that your knuckles are in the UP position! My wife doesn't know this. She gives the truckers the signal with her knuckles pointed to the side, and when she pumps her fist up and down it looks very much like she is offering the truck drivers a hand job.
(That, gentle readers, is a true story if I've ever told one)
I did manage to get off the road in time for the second half of the USA/Limey World Cup. 1-1 which isn't all that bad since they were heavily favored. From what I saw, however, the USA team is outclassed. The one goal they scored happened on a botched stop by the Limey goalie that is not apt to occur again...EVER.
For another perspective on the whole oil spill disaster, you may want to read this.
It's a little long, but here's what one Brit thinks about it...and us and our response.
My wife calls these cacti "Men with their hands up". I call them the "French Army Cactus"
A man was born thousands of years ago, did a lot of weird shit, told his friends he was holy, those friends told their friends he was holy, etc, etc, until this. I mean, DAMN, ya'll!! Does that sound at all reasonable to you?

But those people are not alone. Juggernaut (believe it or look it up) is an idol of Krishna, and at Puri in Orissa, India, this idol is annually drawn on an enormous cart under whose wheels some devotees throw themselves to be crushed.

[ Come on, people. We, the human race, are above this voodoo bullshit! ]

"Common sense is the least common of all senses."
This is from a pro gay marriage march...rather clever, I thought.
"I drink alcohol to drown my problems...unfortunately, problems are damn good swimmers."
A perfect gift for that underachieving nephew of yours...
Across the side street from the school where I taught, there was a seedy apartment building. Once a family moved in and within 24 hours a pane had been broken out of a window and they filled the hole with a bed pillow...half in, half out. Within 36 hours they mounted a dish right next to that window...pillow remaining. It stayed that way for over a year. These images just reminded me of that.
It would be interesting to know what language this is...
Things to do today:
1. Laugh
2. Repeat #1 as often as possible
3. Tell people of my to do list
I have absolutely no idea what this is about...
...but don't they both look happy...
After announcing that it accidentally collected data over non-encrypted Wi-Fi networks from more than 30 countries over several years, Google is now telling lawmakers that it never examined or made use of any of the information gathered.
(do you believe that? DO YOU?!? "ACCIDENTALLY?!?!?!?!!?)
One of my very own...
But I have a very active imagination...
If you are reading this...CONGRATULATIONS! You are alive and if that's not something to smile about, then I don't know what is.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think it's Hindi.

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