About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Monday, June 14, 2010


This is Death Valley, the lowest point in the USA.
How hot is it you ask? Well, I pulled off the road to take a pee and the urine evaporated before it hit the ground. The resulting water molecules wafting in the breeze caused the plant life nearby to noticeably lean in my direction as if begging for more. You should have been there.
This sign was WAY up the hill from the valley floor. ...so you know what I had to do.
I'm just too stupid to download the pictures in my camera correctly, so here are the pictures from yesterday. This was taken in Boulder City, seven miles from the dam. If you ever plan to go to Hoover Dam, we have heard that the traffic is ALWAYS this bad.
I would like to know about these white rock formations at the dam. It looks exactly like the high water mark, but it can't be...can it? I'm guessing a chalk or sandstone layer.
Was awakened too early by my wife passing gas while sitting on the commode. It sounded very much like a bassoon solo...played badly, and has haunted me all day.
My wife called this rock formation The Finger. I call it Fuck You Mountain.
Right now we are sitting in the hotel of the Stagecoach Casino in Beatty, Nev. It's like an oasis right in the middle of the desert, complete with 5000 palm trees...BIG palm trees. I'm watching a CNN segment about the Greene guy who won the Democratic Primary in SC without running and I have been laughing my ass off. I live in a quintessential Insane Asylum disguised as a real state.
Thought about going to Zion NP, but with instructions like these we opted out...

"Travel is possible at all times other than Monday through Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. when the road from the East Entrance to Zion Canyon will be closed to all vehicles."

Yeah, this just about says it all....those lucky bastards...
I think this next photograph should be posted on every butter aisle in America.
This looks Photoshopped, but it's not...
So, what did you do today?
One of my very own...

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