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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Monday, June 21, 2010


Our continuing hegira took us for a oscitant drive down US 50 through Kansas today and it was really something. Here is what it looked like.
A green field with two trees...
A golden field with one tree...
Or a newly plowed field with three trees...a real treat... ________________________________________
Seriously, it's very flat out here on the Great Plains. Then right in the middle of nowhere I saw this sign, turned around, and we drove through the whole concentration camp.
This place held 8,000 Japanese-Americans during WWII. It's about 2 square miles. We have no idea what the End of the Line Arena is, but it doesn't seem related to the old camp, although the juxtaposition is fucking awesome.
About all that is left now are foundations and the road layout.
I felt the need to tag the sign with #69 and had to jump over the irrigation ditch to do so. I don't jump all that well anymore, but managed to make it over and back without mishap, which seemed to disappoint my wife.
We also came across a Momma, Daddy and baby longhorn steer family...something you don't see everyday...
There were dozens of these feed lots and each one of them stretched for miles along the highway. The stench almost bowled my wife over when she got out of the car to take this picture. She blamed me, of course.
Speaking of stench, please let me get this off my chest and I promise not to mention it again. Do you know what these are?
These cheap ass horns are called vuvuzlas...AND THEY ARE RUINING THE WORLD CUP!!! The noise during the televised games is unbearable and the people in the stands have to wear ear plugs. Some company is even selling a device that attaches to your TV to filter the irritating droning. The internet is full of reticule, some of them more clever than others...
And in case you don't have the dollar to buy one of these awful things, shit, improvise with a fucking watering can...
This speaks for the whole World Cup loving crowd...billions of us!!!
Now for the clever ones...
DODGE CITY: We are staying on Wyatt Earp Blvd.
They have a rebuilt town (sort of) where they have fake shoot outs, would have sworn me in a a deputy, and shit...it would have costs $13 to get in.
It being 101 degrees without a hint of breeze, we opted out.
These people really know how to milk the one thing this city has going for it.
Large chunks of the city are "kind of" wild west looking...
Complete with your traditional wild west Ban Lao Asian Cuisine Restaurant...
I heard a western joke.
One time a cowboy walked into deserted bar and ordered a drink.
Cowboy: Where is everybody?
Bartender: They are all at the hanging.
C: Who they hanging?
B: Brown Paper Bob.
C: Why do they call him Brown Paper Bob?
B: He dresses in a brown paper hat, with brown paper shirt, pants and boots.
C: What are they hanging him for?
B: Rustling.
One of my very own...

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