About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

The High Desert of Utah

The High Desert in Utah must have A LOT of game. The first two photos are from the same place. The first image shows an antler adorned fence that stretches for about 100 yards in that direction. The second shows the view the other way. The red arrows show where it disappears around back.
Then a few miles down the road we came across the Utah version of a "oh-you-call-that-a-antler-collection" pissing contest.
The High Desert is very windy. I stopped to pee and my stream blew sideways and that is no lie. I figure 45 mph wind, which tried very hard to push my truck off the road.
It was so windy that Debbie had no hope of keeping it off her legs and gave up on the very necessary roadside pee event. (notice dust in background)
Then we saw this...
...and it kept up for 200 miles....check out these images...
And when there wasn't a blinding dust storm, EVERYTHING was covered in a chalk white dust.
When it finally stopped, we discovered that there was a huge looming mountain range within a few miles and we had never even caught a glimpse of it.
The upside is that it's cold...YES, COLD! The weather channel reports that the low tonight is supposed to be 38.
No chance to install a tag. Sorry.
I have no idea why the blog keeps underlining everything. If anyone knows how to turn it off, please let me know.
Did you know that in a pinch you can light a permanent marker?
Debbie and I had our picture taken at one of those fantasy shops with the wigs and props and makeup and shit. I got to keep the cigar.
I've seen this done with square boxes and melons, but this is pretty neat...
One of my very own...

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