About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Friday, June 25, 2010


I am sorry to report, but my wife and I just returned from a walk-about in New Orleans. At nine o'clock AM it's about 95 degrees. The streets reek with the smell of vomit. Pools of the stuff are on the sidewalk, in the gutter and probably in most of the bathrooms. Even when you can't see the vomit, years of accumulation has produced an aroma unmatched in any city I've ever visited. That's too bad. I love the old buildings and architectural details, but this place isn't even busy yet. Imagine what it will smell like during Mardi Gras.
I needed some Ben Gay for my aching back. I asked at the desk where I could find some and followed the directions to a cafe. When I ordered the Ben Gay all I got was three fried biscuits with powered sugar on them. Go figure.
I have deduced that my chances of finding oil spill contamination in the marshes near NO are remote.
Check out this map. I had no idea that the marshes were fifty times larger than the city with very few access roads.
People in New Orleans are understandably pissed about the whole BP fiasco. Check this menu out...
That about says it all...
On the way to lunch, I did find this rather clever cardboard sign on the door of a beat up pickup truck of a repairman...
I just ate a dozen Oyster Rockefeller and they each were about the size of a bar of soap. Creme Burlee for dessert and all in all one of the best $77 lunches I have ever eaten.
Now it's time for stuff I've been sent and found interesting...not so much funny, but interesting...and in no order of importance...
To these people, this image makes sense. I like the contrast between the beaming grandfather and the expression on the kids' faces...the prop is the zinger, though....somebody got busted. _________________________________________
Those zany old geezers...
Those zany Chinese doll put togetherers....
This has got god-told-me-to written all over it... _________________________________________
If faith is taking the first step even when you can't see the entire staircase, then intelligence is never trying to climb stairs that aren't really there in the first place. They put lights above stairs for a reason.
This piece of shit inept bastard wouldn't make it two hours on my mural crew... ________________________________________
This "painting" is made of dead ants. I assume he tried using live ants but the corralling was right at impossible... _________________________________________
What a great idea! Anyone (including growing grandchildren) can look in the mirror and see what famous person they are as tall as.
I'm going to make my first grandchild one of those, but I'm going to etch the names into the glass so the little bastard can't scratch off the names in a fit of pique.
This man INVENTED Pac-Man. He still carries the sketchbook in which he first drew it out. My guess is that technically his personal assistant carries it for him, from his limo to his plane and then into his castle on his private island. _________________________________________
My old friend juxtaposition...
I'm very confused. While the whole world is busy eating four, five or ten times more calories than they need, somehow there are people who read the memo backwards...
(I find that image very distressing)
One of my very own...

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