About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Saturday, July 31, 2010

I learned something today and after I learned it I felt rather foolish...yes...me...foolish. A doctor explained to me today that the reason every doctor asks me, a male patient, to turn my head and cough while he fingers my...manly zone is so I don't cough in his face. I swear...I never knew that. I thought it had to do with the neck bones connecting to the...well, you know.
How many calories are there in boogers?
My bet is that guy A doesn't not know what his goofy friend B has written on his box. _______________________________________________
How do you get spaghetti stains out of underwear?
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WHAT A SET!!! I don't know if it is an opera or a play...BUT I WANT TO SEE IT!!! ________________________________________________
Michigan machinist GarE Maxton makes many different types of interlocking solid puzzles of this type, this time, he made a Puzzle Pistol, a single shot 45 caliber muzzle loading pistol, called the Intimidator. The Intimidator Puzzle is composed of over 125 pieces made from brass, bronze, copper, aluminum, magnesium and steel. Once diassembled, about 20 of the pieces can be recombined to make a functioning single-shot pistol. Other parts of the puzzle separately and securely store "a customized set of tools, all necessary hardware, 45 caliber bullets, a standard sight, a laser sight, a cannister containing black powder pellets, a secure storage area for 209 shotgun primers, a spent primer removal tool and a ramrod for loading the bullets."
People all over the world seem obsessed with toasting bread in a new and better way. ________________________________________________
I know I don't do babies....BUT LOOK AT THOSE EYES!!! Then they get just old enough to do shit like this... ________________________________________________
If I have this figured out right, the cool air or water is drawn into the center of the coil by the fact that the warmer air or water is forced up to the top of the coil, then down to complete the cycle. Anyone have any ideas on this?
This is a ransom note font that you can down load from Flickr. Not only will it translate your text to random characters, but give you the exact link back to where each letter came from.
This floor is made from wine barrels. How they got the curve out was not explained, but I like it.
Another Tom Hussey mirror series... ________________________________________________
ARGUFY is a real word, and meanS just what it sounds like.
This is the sign I want to carry in the next protest...any protest.
Don't fry bacon naked.
One of my very own... ________________________________________________
My daughter informed me that this cartoon is Farsi, not Arabic and the caption reads"
"Don't worry. He has a practical necessity".

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