About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Many, many years ago when I owned a bar in Myrtle Beach, I met another young man what bought a Porche from a drug dealer who had to leave the country...he paid about $3000 for it, which, was very cheap. Anyway, one day he was at the beach and found a skinny German Shepard. After feeding the dog and finding it water, he put the dog in his Porche and drove to the animal shelter, leaving the dog in the car while he went inside to find out the procedure. When he came out 5 minutes later his car looked very much like the image below. That dog even chewed off the padded dash. He let the dog go.
Speaking of dogs...
Lego blocks...
Two places where I would like very much to sleep...
Israel Rules That Lying About Your Identity to Seduce a Woman Counts as Rape.
I saw a TV show once about a man that spent 40 years doing this sort of thing to the trees he planted on his property. After he died it was allowed to become overgrown. Thankfully someone discovered his treasures and they turned it into a park. _______________________________________________
There is now a Japanese sex doll with a "reloadable" hymen.
Another super realistic painting...
I thought this very clever, until..... ...I realized that for him to operate his "invention" he would have to roll the windows down in the rain.

Mexico asked a federal court in Arizona to declare the state's new immigration law unconstitutional, arguing that the country's own interests and its citizens' rights are at stake.

The next time you have trouble hauling round things....
This battery can be recharged just be shaking it. It may not last very long, but in an emergency you don't need it to last very long.
I think this is beautiful...
This is an urban "rock climbing" wall.
This looked so very photoshopped...but it's not...
These are stickers for your luggage... ________________________________________________
Back in 1976 during the bicentenial, many towns wanted paintings on public walls to add in their celebrations. Many also hired artists to paint fire hydrants. That was the rebirth of murals in this country. One young artist graduated from art school in 1975 and had a wife and two children who enjoyed eating, so for the food money he moved from the studio to the street and stayed there for 35 years.
You missed a spot, Dear...
How many of these products do you think these practologists had in their comparison study?
...CAMEL SEX!!! (last paragraph)
That is one mean son of a bitch...(check out the green box)...he takes his sex toys WAY too seriously...
One of my very own... __________________________________________________

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