About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Please allow me to be silly enough to share this...but please don't laugh...or even smile...it's beneath you...
Can you spot the impostor? __________________________________________
THOSE LYING BASTARDS!!!!!! __________________________________________
In Cambodia, people pray to Pol Pot's spirit at his gravesite. You might remember him as THE most insane human who ever lived. The devotees think this mass murderer of millions is particularly effective with lottery numbers.
__________________________________________ __________________________________________
I looked it up on my translation site and he's saying, "Umbrella Soup" with just a touch of a French accent, but I don't know why.
Fisherman - 0
Squid - 1 __________________________________________
What a wonderful photo....I just wonder what that fucking tunnel smells like in the summer heat...but maybe that's just me... __________________________________________
This cartoon is not all that funny, but it's a little too absurd to delete and I've had it in my file since 1989. You might need to click on it to enlarge... __________________________________________
WHAT'S IN THAT MOTHERFUCKING SOUP?!?!?!?! __________________________________________
I have a reoccurring dread that I am going to be one of those countless Americans who die in a mugging in which the mugger gets like $12, so I have decided to ALWAYS keep AT LEAST $500 in my wallet at all times.
Okay, this one is rather subtle (especially the octopus part). If you need me to walk you through it like some kind of whiny ass sissy "oh I don't watch soccer" asshole, I will give you a tutorial if you email me for assistance... ___________________________________________
What's the difference between France and a tea bag?
A tea bag stays in the cup longer.
(soccer humor)
This is the backpack I want for Christmas...Beautiful! __________________________________________
One of my very own...

1 comment:

Ralph Henry said...

Some of that shit was pretty fucking funny!

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