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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

T. Roosevelt.......38% Taft.....................40% Wilson ............. 52% Harding..............49% Coolidge........... 48% Hoover.............. 42% F. Roosevelt....... 50% Truman................50% Eisenhower........ 57% Kennedy............. 30% Johnson...............47% Nixon...................53% Ford................... 42% Carter................ 32% Reagan................56% GH Bush............. 51% Clinton................ 39% GW Bush.............55% Obama................ 8%
(The above numbers are the percentages of each administration who has ever had a real job...you know, like at a real company that had to actually make money)
I have no idea what this declaration means...
Speaking of dress of choice, how is it that one of these get-ups is reviled and the other is considered just great...even encouraged? Someone, please, help me understand.
How's that whole not thinking thing working out for you?
I asked a friend about his new girlfriend and he said,
"Well, at least all of her tattoos are spelled correctly."
As a Foosball player of note and a power tool enthusiast, I think this is hilarious... (by the way, I used to be very good at this game. More often than not I would play by myself against two opponents. Now...not so fast)
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I wonder how they keep the cross section of the tree from cracking? Major problem that. ________________________________________
I really wonder if these next two are Photoshopped...
If you do not recognize these two ladies, maybe it's time to sign up for yet ANOTHER social network.
I've been down this road before, but let me iterate...THIS IS FUCKING INSANE!!!! ________________________________________
Kaparot is a traditional Jewish religious ritual that takes place around the time of the High Holidays. It is performed by grasping a live chicken by the sholder blades and swinging it around one’s head three times, transferring one’s sins to the chicken.
(I don't want to bore you, but you should try to visualize that for just a minute and then ask yourself if you would laugh watching such an event)
But I'm not picking on the Jews.
Many Cambodians think that being struck by lightning is being touched by god himself. To resuscitate a victim, the villagers' remedy is to jump over the body three times.
Can you imagine walking into your doctor's office, but having to wait until he/she finished waving a live chicken around his/her head three times before jumping over a lightning struck patient? THINK ABOUT THAT, PEOPLE!!! THE TIME FOR THIS VOO-DOO BULLSHIT IS OVER.
Most of you religious people probably thought the chicken thing and the lightning thing were weird, but try and put your own conduct under the same lens...the secret handshakes and robes and "special" blessed fluids and the chants and the kneeling and the money you pay these people for the privilege of BELONGING TO THE CHOSEN GROUP...remembering that every swinging dick on the planet "knows" they are the "chosen group" and the ONLY chosen group and the vast majority of them laugh at Christian's ritual of baptism and eating little crackers that is flesh and wine that is blood...just like you laughed at the chicken thing above.
Yeah, I know, but god wrote your book and all the others are fake. Good luck with that.
This next one is clever enough to click on to enlarge...think about it.
One of my very own... ________________________________________

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