About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Pride, thy name is fatherhood.
When I arrive in hell, I will be presented with one of these...
Vengeance: No one wakes up in the morning solely to kiss their spouse.
Another photo has been found of me at a young age... ________________________________________________
My friend sent this to me with the subject "Home Depot has a sale on Mexican recliners." ________________________________________________
Depression is merely anger without enthusiasm.
In a way I wish I had thought of something like this to do on my road trip. I like this very much...but I'm no spray paint kind of guy...
Here are four images of things I consider epic... ________________________________________________
Lindsay Lohan's backward crab walk naked...coming to a California prison soon...
Two more toys that I find...interesting... _______________________________________________
Must be THE MOST IMPORTANT PHONE CALL THE WORLD HAS EVER KNOWN!!!! ______________________________________________
There is no pleasure in having nothing to do.
The real pleasure is in having lots to do and preferring not to do them.
It's a Lego imprint tattoo on a thumb.... ________________________________________________
(for my friend Aaron) (I'm assuming you recognize who she is)
Okay, here's the deal...these glasses can be adjusted to correct ANY vision problem. It has two layers of plastic and to make them more or less concave or convex you twist the knob. _______________________________________________
"Mom, do animals go to heaven?"
"Of course they do, Timmy."
"So my old dog Sparky will be there?"
"No way! Sparky was a real asshole of a dog."
"So, I am never going to see him again?"
"I never said that."
One of my very own... __________________________________________________

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