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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Friday, July 30, 2010

When I came upon this image, I thought of this caption...
Then I was going to spring this one on you and say something like....
Well, getting your nose and ears cut off
for disobeying would be highly motivating.
Then I got to thinking...again...about the weird clothing of religious people. The uniforms that separate the THEM form the US. And besides weird clothing, there are the extraordinarily strange, even bizarre rituals... And, to be honest, most of these simple rituals cost little and do no real harm.
I call them secret handshakes...a way to demonstrate that you are on the team, as it were.
"Have you been baptised?"
"Then come on in."
But some of these secret handshakes costs vast sums of money.
Solid gold just sitting around to impress the believers... ...some of the most expensive architecture known to man... And these funds are spent while many of the believers are starving.
And then there is the overpowering urge of many religions to mutilate the genitalia of their babies...girls and boys... And the normal argument is, "Why do you care? They're not hurting anybody."
Think about that a minute.
And before telling me that religion does good things too, I will remind you that Hitler got the trains running on time. This next one is rather confusing. It's Mohammed in a bear suit, but...BUT!!! A WHOLE FUCKING TV NETWORK IN AMERICA WOULDN'T SHOW IT BECAUSE BELIEVERS IN THIS BEAR-SUITED DEITY THREATENED TO BEHEAD THE EXECUTIVES!!!!!! Some say America is much more tolerant...
Can you imagine what would happen if the people who paid for that billboard gained complete power?
Are there perils in blind faith in something unprovable, unseen, illogical, yet somehow utterly convincing? But many people in America will tell me that they know...KNOW BEYOND A SHADOW OF A DOUBT that their god is the true god........just like the victims above.... But every person who believed or believes in one of the following gods KNOW (or knew) their god to be the true god, which means that 90% of these people are delusional. Those images appear silly now, but early on, people would believe just about anything they were told by their leaders. Some would agree to sacrifice their own children so they could be murdered for such things as...oh, rain. Science debunked these myths, and most Christians now understand that we humans have very, very little influence on the universe.
And most Christians would agree with the T-shirt below... The notion that a woman was created from man's rib is, at best, quaint. When rational people think about such a thing, most know that the early writings were geared to an audience who killed lambs to bring about favor from their god. Not much chance of that inspiring people now, but back then....effective.
But these same modern "logical" people still believe in heaven. They think that believers will die, rise up into the sky and live FOREVER! Very powerful that. I think that death is the last bastion of religion. Science has no idea what happens to your consciousness after you die, so therefore...ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE!!!! Unlike every one of the other bible stated "facts" that have been proven wrong ( The sun is not the center of the solar system, the earth is NOT 6,000 years old, the earth was NOT the first thing created in the universe, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc ), but after death, journeys to a city of gold can't be proven wrong since there is nothing to measure, ....THEREFORE....IT MUST BE TRUE!!!!! WOW!!!!
Rewards are good at motivating people, but punishment is even better. If you start teaching your children from day one that a horrible eternal agony awaits them unless they follow the rules, it's amazing the power you wield.
Almost every person that I attempt to discuss such things with have told me something like, "It's not for us to know, you just have to have faith."
How...convenient, given that the same book tells us the EXACT date of the flood.
I would love to hear any facts that will bring me enlightenment. I know religion has a certain...allure...I just don't get it. Is it a way for the more powerful to control lesser people's baser instincts? But why use magic? I don't need an afterlife heaven to know that I shouldn't kill someone.
I read one time that every religious person on earth is an atheist because they don't believe in 99% of the gods. I just added the other 1%.
Thank you for your tolerance.

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