About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Kopi Luwak or civet coffee, is coffee made from the beans of coffee berries which have been eaten by the Asian Palm Civet, then passed through its digestive tract.
(basically rodent shit)
Speaking of animals...
South Wales spent $290,000 on overhead mouse bridges...
I feel sorry for these poor bastards, but I would pull for the bull every fucking time... _________________________________________________________
Just when I was beginning to think that the caste system was a bad idea.... _________________________________________________________
Can this artist be, like, put in a dungeon or something?
Speaking of old women...
My wife loves me, but she loves her 101 year old grandmother more. I accept that. This woman looks very much like that dear woman.
My mother used to do this with a squirrel that she began feeding when is was very young. She named it Phil, but had to rename it to Phillis when it had children of her own.
Speaking of mothers....you are witnessing the exact moment that this one began to think of home schooling...
This is a post card for the '20's. The pose is okay, but look at her heels....very clever that.
No comment... _________________________________________________________
This is the deepest swimming pool in the world, and that's cool, but... ...it has a bar where people like you and I can sit on our asses and watch the fun.
Speaking of swimming pools... I have no idea what that means.
When I was discharged from the military in 1970, I stayed in Europe for about a year. During this time I grew my hair and beard until by the time I got back I was a full-blown hippy. The first morning home my mother had made sandwiches for her, me and the black maid. Very discretely she asked me if I would mind eating at the same table as the maid. I laughed and said that I would be honored. My mom and I were seated at the table when the maid walked into the dining room, lifted her plate, said, "I ain't eatin' at no table with a hippy", and moved to the den to eat her meal. My mother was flabbergasted.
Why do we call it a round of drinks, but a square meal?

Many people are concerned about the affects of genetically modified crops. "There is no proof of any adverse affects," said one Carrot.

Statistically 5 out of 6 people enjoy Russian roulette.
The holy land of Israel is a mecca for tourist.
One of my very own....the very first porn...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm spreading the word.

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