Do you know how much more difficult life would be if the dryer lint didn't stick to itself?
Do you know how much more difficult life would be if the dryer lint didn't stick to itself?
I had an idea during both Gulf wars that the Pentagon never accepted. I wanted the US to BUY tanks, guns, artillery, etc. from the Iraqis. Drop leaflets with prices. For instance, if we have to risk a $10 million dollar airplane to fire a $1 million dollar missile to destroy a tank, why not just buy it for say...$800.000. We win, they don't get killed...I think it could have worked.
Applying that same capitalist principal to our southern border, why not just pay the Mexicans NOT to come to America. Figure out how much we spend to stop them, add in the costs of finding them when they do get in, the costs of putting them in jail when they rape our daughters, etc. Then just do the math and pay them off to turn around and go home.

"Awwww, I feel like a million bucks." What Bill Gates says when he feels like shit.
This is one of several photos of this young woman on the day her divorce went through. As you can see, there wasn't much left of the house when she finished venting. And I can only assume that he got the house.

This reminds me of the rationale behind outlawing pot. They say that it is the "Gateway Drug" to other addictions. Well, using that logic, milk is a gateway drink to alcoholism.

A closed mind is a wonderful thing to lose.
Micro string bikinis...the supreme sacrifice of comfort for male appreciation. We salute you.
My paper towels come in three sizes: Medium, Large and "Fuck the Rainforest".
How does Dracula shave?
Okay, I have a new favorite art form....
...and have finally found a close up of the technique. They call it wall scratching, which is alright if you are allowed to "scratch" with a big ass chisel...

I'm not that great of a father, I'm just really, really, really awful at child abuse.
Poverty means the wolf is at the door.
Destitute means that they have repossessed the door.
This is a great idea. After you pee, you wash your hands and the sink water goes down to "flush" the urinal. That's fucking brilliant!!!

Sure, my computer "says" 90% complete, but without the status bar graphic, I just can't visualize it.
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