About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Mayhem is just another word for "Holy Fucking Shit!"
And now images that define mayhem...
Do you think that rag on the floor is covered in blood?
I will never step off an escalator the same way again...
Just another reason I don't ice fish... *****
One day a young shark and his father were swimming in the ocean when they spotted a small boat filled with people. The father told his son to go swim in 50 tight circles around the boat as fast as he could. Later, near exhaustion, the son returned and the father said, now let's go tip the boat over and have a feast.
Following the meal the son asked why he had to swim in all those circles, when they could have just tipped the boat over right away. The father shark said, "Cause they taste a lot better after you scare the shit out of them."
Just another reason I don't ski...
Just another reason....well, you get my point.... *****
What a beautiful photograph...of the ugly subject of pure, high powered mayhem... *****
Non-dairy creamer is flammable.
***** Dear "Crew",
Fuck you.
Sick Paying Passenger
(worth the read)
But another way to look at it is that his affair saved his life...so there.
I mean...DAMN!... ANTHEMS?!?!?!?!
After their first sex-ed class, the boys demanded that Father O'Malley explain their friend, Bringmeanotherguinnessbitch...
"Venus is the only planet that rotates clockwise."
(That's what the book says, but wouldn't that depend on where you were...looking up at the south pole or down on the north pole?)
***** *****
If you don't get this, it's okay...it really is.... *****
Kangaroos can not walk backwards.
(well, that explains a lot)
***** *****
One of my very own...
Somewhere in the incunabulum of time...
An Afterthought
This is a cartoon from a website that helps people learn English with the aid of cartoons. Here is an example and the explanation.
EXPLANATION The original version of the joke goes something like this:
Outraged host: "Dammit man, you've just farted in front of my wife." Defaulting guest: "I do apologise, my dear fellow, I didn't realise it was her turn."

The joke hinges on the double meaning of "in front of", which can mean "in the presence of" or "before in time". The host means the former, while the guest takes it as meaning the latter.

VOCABULARY 1. Dammit is another way of writing Damn it—an impolite expression of annoyance.

2. Fart is a rude/impolite/informal word which describes the action of passing (or breaking) wind (aka flatulence). Fart is also a noun. As one might expect, there are a lot of jokes about farts and farting!


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