About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

I have been working on a sign I am going to carry in the next demonstration.  It really doesn't matter WHAT the organizers are demonstrating for or against, but I KNOW I will not play it straight.  Here are four of my finalists....
But this is what I've settled on.
I was disappointed to learn that the Russians had thought of the idea first, but who the hell  is going to find out anyway?

I showed you this image in one of my "Daily Emails" many months ago, but it is so fucking provocative that it needs a repost...(think segue)....
Most people (including me) like to make fun of old people...
But old people have already been there, done that on just about every problem you can face....especially with your spouse...
A smart man will know that the following cartoon is not funny....but true.  In my opinion, men are selfish pigs.  Women are nest building nurturers who just need someone to take out the trash.
But all us old people have memories of  things...extraordinary things...that can make us smile 40 years after the event....especially the soul piercing sexual unions that, in our opinion, nobody has thought up yet...
Nowadays things are not as "soul piercing"....
No comment....
This image shows love that none of my younger viewers have ever experienced.  The you and me, and the him and her, and even the "us" or "we" has been replaced with a silent touch that needs no pronoun. And, gentle readers, you can take that to the fucking bank.
All us old people were all young and we all thought we were fucking great....good luck with thinking that will last. We are all blindly groping through life, but some of us are just lucky enough to find somebody strong enough to keep us from falling on our face...
All of us old people did things that would be considered "awesome" in our day, and just because it's old hat now doesn't mean it wasn't awesome then...
So all you young, virile, thin, cool, Jeep driving "control of my game" types....you want to do something cool?  Join me at the next demonstration at the State House and I will print you off one of my signs.  Trust me, you will never forget it.

(PS: for all you people who have no idea why my sign will make a statement.....well.....get off my fucking blog.  You are not welcomed here)

One of my very own....

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