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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

It's a bird!
It's a plane!

This country has endured some real shockers.  Our capitol was burned by the British. The Lusitania was sunk...as was the Maine.  Then, of course, there was Pearl Harbor.  But the tragedy of 9/11 was the first one we could witness in real time in our homes.  We watched it for 24 hours a day for weeks.

And the longer we watched the more pissed off we got.
But we weren't just pissed at the murderers.  We were pissed at the nation's extraordinarily expensive security who seemed to be asleep at the switch.
So the president at the time...
...decided to make them a deal they couldn't refuse..."Give up those responsible or we will fuck you up"...big time.
It was a clear case of good versus evil...and this time we KNEW we were the good guys...
The very thought of some uneducated morons who live in mud huts successfully planning such a dastardly attack was beyond our belief.
We had seen pictures of the stupid bastards in other places around the world...shooting weapons like little girls...and using children as "warriors".
And it was unimaginable that these ignorant twits could fuck America right in the ass.
So we manned up.
And sent our finest young men...
...and women...
To show them what a little shock and awe looked like.
But after that, we learned that, although stupid, those fuckers were not cowards.  They seemed to dread death not at all.

Hundreds of hours of TV, countless books and magazine articles were spent trying to help us understand these strange beings.
But Americans, it seems, are not all that smart either..
No matter what we were "taught", most of us decided that we just didn't like Muslims....sorry, but it's true.

Now I have a story.  My sister, Tina, is a retired hospice nurse.  The kindest person I have ever met.  Once a mugger stole her purse by hitting her in the back so hard that she had back pain for the rest of her life.  They got $32.
The mugger looked like the men below.  Now, if you were my sister, would you be very suspicious when you encountered men that looked like them?
If you didn't, then you are a fool.
If ALL of the terrorists who caused 9/11 were Muslim, then would it not be a keen survival skill to view ALL Muslims with suspicion?
Maybe.  I refer not to the social or intellectual argument of tolerance...I'm talking survival skills. MY survival.
I just know as a fact that if I got on an airplane with 12 men who looked arab and were speaking what I thought was arabic, then I would change planes.  Sorry.
And if I were a muslim, I would sing Kum-Ba-Ya everywhere I went...and wear normal fucking clothing.  Otherwise I would assume, properly, that people would fear me.  And fearful people do stupid things.

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