About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

This cartoon is not all that funny, but it's a nice segue to the next image...
These people will grow up some day, and OMG and Dude! will be just as stale and quaint as the comments in the above cartoon. How drunk do you have to be....?
These are creative sacks, of course, but look at the look on the model's face...he looks like somebody's brother-in-law who was hired on the cheap.

Remember, boys and girls, just because you CAN, don't mean you SHOULD...
Some choices made in life are rather sad.  People take a job because they need a job real bad, then before they know it they are forced to stay even though they hate every minute of it.  Like I said....sad.
And you never, ever have to play it straight.

Another unfunny segue cartoon...
There are many theories about why those people made these things.  I offer my explanation:  These, as well as many other of the "mysteries" of the ancients, could have just been done for fun.  Guys get together, some wine is consumed, a bet is made, and the next thing you know it's a tradition.  It seems that modern man wants to explain everything that the ancients did as some sort of well thought out mumbo jumbo, but for as long as we have had records, we have had records of the crazy shit drunk men can think of doing.  I will stick by my explanation until proven otherwise.

Anybody care to add captions to this delightful image?

This next one took me a minute.
Which reminds me, yesterday's cartoon of the skunk at the microphone caused some distress among my readers.  He was at a AA meeting and was referring to the old saying "Drunk as a skunk".

My comments may have been misunderstood.  I don't HATE Muslims, I'm just afraid of them.  But thanks for sending me so many images...
"No, Private!  It's choke...CHOKE!"
(and just in case you don't get that, I offer....)

That she is black has nothing to do with this being funny....her expression is hilarious.

There is a website that asks you to submit a photo of yourself and they will "guess" how you lost your virginity.  Here's an example...

I'm getting quite good with the segue thing today....
One of my very own...

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