(all captions are true)
This bandage changes color with any sign of infection.
When I was your age we didn't have hospitals. I once had to sew my kneecap back on after I killed the wolverine that ate it. I had to use my shoe lace while I bit on a stick.
It is apparently a well-known fact that the moon smells like gunpowder, so now there are Scratch & Sniff lunar photographs.
MARIJUANA: Helping American kids learn the Metric System since...oh...forever.
TRUE: This is a Daguerreotype taken in 1938. To achieve this image it had to be exposed for ten minutes. For that reason it features what is thought to be the first ever photograph of a human being. The horses, carriages and pedestrians can't be seen because they were moving, but the guy getting a shoe shine stayed immobile for the entire time.
Try to guess what this is. The answer can be found highlighting between the brackets below...
[ It's a C-Scan of a Twinkie ]
Hubble has found a galaxy whose light took 13 billion light-years to reach us; the oldest object found so far.
This is a Russian....yes, Russian sports car.
IMMATURE: What boring people call fun people.
I wasted the extra hour of daylight savings trying to figure out if I actually gained an hour.
There are enough U-Haul trucks rented every year to move a family to the moon and back.....20 times a day, every day of the year.
This pen will write with any color you place it on.
This, gentle readers, is the most expensive object ever created by man....
Care to guess what this is before you look at the next photo?
It's the world tallest climbing wall...
This lady is in charge....hehehehe
At 1.25 km in width and 525 meters deep, this is the world's largest hole in Eastern Siberia.
"The planet won't be destroyed by global warming because God promised Noah," said the politician bidding to chair the US energy committee.
If you remember anything, you didn't drink enough.
In the US, there is 7.4 square feet of self-storage area per person.
Or enough for each of us to stand in one with plenty of space.
I am convinced that being a Gamecock fan has taken years off my life.
Conformity is addictive...don't abuse it.
Some drink from the Fountain of Knowledge...I just gargle.
This is a butter container that comes with its own spreader...
I got a new stick of deodorant today. The instructions said: Remove cap and push up bottom. Now I can hardly walk, but my farts smell awesome.
A punch to produce guitar picks out of used credit cards....
Today is the oldest I've ever been...
and the youngest I'll ever be again.
This is a clock to count down your average life expectancy...
I want one!!!!
"CHARLIE SHEEN IS TOO DAMN HIGH!!!"____________________________________________________________
So I am not 100% sure here, but I had a good friend go to Baton Rouge last weekend to watch my Crimson Tide lose. A very shameful loss, but thats beside the point. While in Baton Rouge my friend said the stadium is like nothing he has ever seen. There are no standard vendors, LSU hires all mom and pop people to cook gumbo, jambalaya, crawfish, all the great cajun eating. But, he mentioned another type of fare that LSU fans have a hankering for. The Tiger Burger. Which is apparently a huge beef patty, with PURPLE & GOLD stripes on it! Now since i found out what the Tiger Burger was I have searched the internet and tried to find this incredible piece of mastery, but to no avail.
I ask for your assistance in finding it, and presenting a true picture of the Tiger Burger
Your daguerrotype is from 1838, not 1938. Mike
Thanks, Mike, cause you know how we hate typos here at Folio Olio.
Why is it that I always think you're taking the piss? Mike
It's my prostrate.
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