About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Thursday, December 9, 2010


First, the best...voted best photo in some contest some place...
A plane caught during an eclipse....

Now the strange images...

I find it amusing that the same people who think it's silly to believe that a dead Mohammed was seen floating up into the sky, think it's not silly that Jesus was said to do the exact same thing...and the only witnesses were believers.  Go figure.


I'm of mixed feeling about this guy. I'm less torn about my disgust at the government's ineptness at controlling it's secrets. But stealing secret documents is NOT journalism.

What the fuck is that coming out of his ass?!?!?!?!

This photo has so much wrong with it that I don't know where to start...

NOTE: Thanks to all you folks who have sent me stuff like the images above. I really do appreciate it.

Although I hate the rodents people allow to actually live in their homes, I find this cruel...in a humorous sort of way...

   In my humble opinion, the last mid-term election results shouted one thing: The American people are scared to death of the deficit and want something done about it.
   Now, after the election, they not only did not raise anyone's taxes to help us out of this abyss we find ourselves, but we are going to give away billions of more dollars to people out of work....the opposite of what the people demanded.
   I will say it again, I am willing to pay a toll to travel on any interstate, pay more taxes, shut down every national park, drop expensive military projects, get out of a war yet unwon, and anything else it takes to save our country from ruin. I don't think I'm alone. The American people are ready to make some sacrifices, if only we were asked....except for rick folk. They won't give up shit.
How much are you, personally, willing to give up for safety? Twenty years ago if you told an American that one day their phones calls and emails would be regularly tapped by the government, they would think you were a delusional paranoid. 

Yesterday I heard a TV commercial that said, "If you are of an age between 0 and 85, call now!"
The women at my favorite bar put up a tree and other Christmas stuff in a time honored tradition called "Drunkerate".
This is a comment left on an old post titled "Things that piss me off"...

Here is my reply on that post...

More than 1,000 North Koreans have been jailed for watching South Korean TV shows.
After spending their adult lives selling out to the system they once stood stoutly against, Baby Boomers may, in the end, find themselves fucked by that very system.
A New Hampshire high school teacher referred to Jesus as a "wine-guzzling vagrant". 
Surprisingly, someone got upset.
Knock, knock.
Who's there?



This is not my studio, but when I saw this picture, it reminded me of the time NBC Nightly News sent a crew to my studio to interview me. I had a week's heads up so I organized everything to make a good impression. I hung all my tools on the wall and outlined them like in the image below. Then when they left I went back to my sloppy ways and never put the tools back where they belonged.
But that's not the worse part. I called every friend and family member from one coast to the other to tell them to watch on the night NBC scheduled my piece. Then on that day there was too much "real" news and they cut me out...never to appear.

One of my very own...


I just hope she's doing this voluntarily.

I have no idea what this is about...I just liked thinking about them belting out "Come on, baby, light my fire" or something like that....

Today I almost broke my record. I blew through the Sunday New York Times crossword in thirty minutes (my record is 43 minutes). Then I hit a snag in the bottom right and it stopped me cold. That is why the human race invented the word shit.

Namaste, ya'll.
(look it up and it will make sense...sort of)

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