This, dear readers, is an ash urn that looks just like the deceased.
I would love to hear your comments.
I got this image without explanation, but it looks like a prison. Is that possible?
This secret, innocent-looking device can block any phone or computer transmission within 30 or so feet. My question is, why doesn't the US government have a really big one of these to use when insurgents are using phones to set off bombs and calling their friends to set up ambushes?
My UFO conclusion is still on hold waiting for more evidence, but this is fucking eerie.
The 2012 bullshit lands directly in my logic stream that goes something like this:
Modern people laugh at a prediction from such ancient people having the ability to predict anything, much less something that is supposed to control our lives. However, the same modern people who scoff at 2012, will gladly believe other people, equally ancient, when they tell us through doctored writings that a woman had a child without sperm; Noah loaded a pair of animals of every kind on one boat; and a man rose from the dead.
Good luck with that.
Rather dramatic this...
I know this is dated, but try and count the black dots...
Wouldn't you just love to meet this lady? Look at her! She's got a great attitude.
Barney Frank found his dream job...
This delightful young woman just took her first solo flight.
Anybody need something else to be depressed about?
Okay, how the fuck does this happen?
I was in a cyprus swamp one time that had been logged years ago. It seems that birds would poop on the stumps and in the poop were seeds. Some of the seeds sprouted and engulfed the stump very much like the image below. But in the swamp, the stump eventually rotted away, leaving the trees appearing as if they are standing on tip-toes...
I wonder if it saw heaven while it was up there? I think we ought to fund a NASA mission with the express aim to find heaven. Raise your hand if you will vote for that.
I find it humorous that people still use the phrase "Dial the number" when referring to a cell phone call that requires the mashing of buttons.
I never knew the Swedes had such a sense of humor...
I had the privilege to stand under one of these awesome machines. After our other spy planes were shot down by surface to air missiles, the problem was solved by just designing a plane that could outrun the missiles.
This shit is true....absolutely fucking true!
One of my very own...
Now if she just owned the bar she would be perfect...
Wouldn't you just love to know the parameters of this contest? And how the fuck to you apply for the escort's job?
The ash urn is weird.. like having a picture of someone in a casket sitting on your bookshelf.
I don't think the next pic is a prison... people are in street clothes and there appears to be banners hanging on the walkways. Really boring mall? Super shitty indoor playground? I don't know.
I would NOT want to look at "your head" once you are gone.........perhaps another body part, one that is below the waist?
your wife
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