About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Monday, March 28, 2011


I own many firearms. I like shooting them. I like owning them. And I like talking about them. It is surprising how many people tell me that they wouldn't have a gun in their home. They usually cite some "fact" like this: Guns are used to kill more wives and girlfriends than criminals.
 I would say that any husband who wanted his wife dead, would find an alternative means. Blaming the gun is just stupid.
Here's one reason I own weapons...
 Here's another...

This jerk-off stole a computer. The owner of the computer "remote viewed" the camera and caught the guy dancing (very, very badly) in his mother's kitchen. Then the guy posted it on YouTube so that the whole fucking world could laugh at this moron.


Yes, those are eye tattoos....

Oh, the irony...

This would actually work!

News from Japan...

But to come back to normalcy???

Speaking of sea creatures....

I am what some people call a doomdayer. After much research I have ascertained that America is fucked and that we will all soon be asked to shelve those dreams and concentrate more on mere survival.

I'm not picking on teachers, but nobody seems to realize that WE ARE OUT OF MONEY! We are flat broke, going so far in debt that it is now impossible to climb out of the hole.

But we are like Nero fiddling while Rome burns. We all want more and more. The American voter has learned that they can vote themselves money. And pols have learned that they can get elected by promising everyone money.

I find it freaky that if the shit hits the fan on or near any of the hundreds of "predictions" then that will be "proof" of its legitimacy.
 When I tell people something like this...
 Many if not most fall back on this: America has been in tough spots before and we always worked our way through it. They simply don't understand the magnitude of the problems.

Out of control population growth; filthy rivers; porous borders; dependence on foreign oil; refusal to build more nuclear plants, coal generators, drilling; under-taxing the rich; over-flowing prisons; three wars; and, oh, yeah, every fucking terrorist in the world wanting to nuke our ass.

What the fuck are you going to do if the gasoline just....stops?  Have you made any preparation for the system to collapse? Did you know that the average American's wealth decreased by 23% since 2009? What if it decreases by, oh, 80%?

I talked to a young guy last night and he told me that it will be very, very bad for a while, then we will all be better off in the long run by being forced to learn to take care of ourselves.  He's the same guy who thinks the government ought to give us all free health care. Go figure.

Now some more silliness....

Speaking of whores....


My concern is that all the "Freedom Fighters" in the middle east may really be religious extremists, and you know what weird shit just plain non-extremists believe in....

I listened to a lecture by a scientist who said that religion did things to the brain. It actually makes people feel better. All I can say is that if I decided to get a religion, I'll be damn if I would choose one just because of where I was born. I would travel the world and might - just might - end up worshiping this motherfucker.

When in Paris my wife and I went all over the city. We would come up from the Metro and find the closest outdoor cafe where she would sit me down to drink beer and people watch, while she went shopping. The plan worked flawlessly and I strongly recommend it.

When I was in graduate school, the university bought several mansions near campus in preparation of building a high rise dorm on the lots.
 The head of the art department talked the university into letting art students use the building until it was time to raze them. I took over a sunroom that looked very much like the image above. Several years later when we got news that the razing would soon start, I went through the building with a fine toothed comb, salvaging ornate stair railings (some of which I still have), door knobs, light fixtures, and even hinges. I wasn't stealing.  I was preserving artifacts. 

 "Cover your other eye"...HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!

Words of wisdom...
 Choose not to accept the false boundaries and limitations created by the past.

This is an Egg-Bot...
 Here's what it does...

An unusual toy...

I would want the poor bastard that prompted the phase, "Dead Nigger Storage". 

One of my very own...

Just another reason to draw the drapes in your berth.

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